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Ottawa, 29 August 2012

Our Reference: 8663-C12-201108754


Mr. Robert Olenick
Regulatory Analyst
1046 Lithium Drive
Thunder Bay, ON
P7B 6G3

Dear Mr. Olenick:

RE: Review of regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-348-4 - Requests for information

Pursuant to the procedure set out in paragraph 42 of Review of regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-348-4, 30 July 2012, attached are requests for information addressed to TBayTel.

The responses to the interrogatories are to be filed with the Commission and served on all parties by 19 September 2012.  The responses are to be received, and not merely sent, by this date.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by J. Macri’

John Macri
Telecommunications Policy

c.c.: William Lloyd, CRTC, (819) 997-4654,




401  For each of the years 2011 and 2012, provide estimates of toll interconnection revenues for TBayTel, with and without the reductions under the Canadian Independent Telephone Company Joint Task Force (“the JTF”) Proposal1 for toll interconnection rates (see JTF Proposal paragraph 88 and notes 3 and 4 in the response to interrogatory KMTS(CRTC)14Mar12-204).  Provide all data, methodologies and assumptions used in developing the estimates.

402  The current small ILEC regulatory framework permits an exogenous factor adjustment for events that satisfy the following criteria:

  1. they are legislative, judicial or administrative actions which are beyond the control of the company;
  2. they are addressed specifically to the telecommunications industry; and
  3. they have a material impact on the company.

    For the next small ILEC regulatory framework, does TBayTel propose any changes to these criteria?

[1] Regulatory Framework Proposal, Canadian Independent Telephone Company Joint Task Force, 8 August 2012.

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