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Ottawa, 27 August 2012

File Nos.: 8740-C141-201209239


Mr. Chad Cunningham
Marketing Director
CityWest Group of Companies
248 3rd Ave. West
Prince Rupert, B.C.
V8J 1L1

Dear Sir:

RE: CityWest Tariff Notices 112 and 115

On 31 July 2012, the Commission received an application by CityWest Telephone Corporation (CityWest), under Tariff Notice 112, in which the company proposed revisions to its General Tariff to increase individual line business rates.

In a letter dated 2 August 2012, but submitted 22 August 2012, CityWest requested to withdraw its Tariff Notice 112 application, stating that it would file a revised application under cover of Tariff Notice 115.

By a second letter dated 2 August 2012, also submitted 22 August 2012, the Commission received Tariff Notice 115 in which CityWest proposed revisions to its General Tariff to increase individual line business rates.

CityWest’s request to withdraw Tariff Notice 112 is accepted. The application will be closed and a copy of the request will be kept on file.

With regard to Tariff Notice 115, Commission staff notes that the following typographical errors were made on the proposed tariff page 2-2:

  1. The proposed tariff page issued date was shown 31 July 2012. It should, instead, be shown as 22 August 2012, the same date that CityWest filed its application with the Commission.
  2. The rates for residential service individual and facsimile touch call do not reflect the existing rates as had been proposed in CityWest Tariff Notice 113.
  3. The rate for the residential line with 4 features bundle does not reflect the existing approved rate as had been proposed in CityWest Tariff Notice 114.

Commission staff requests that CityWest issue, within 15 days of the date of this letter, a revised tariff page 2-2 reflecting the correct tariff page issued date, and the correct existing rates for residential service individual and facsimile touch call and the residence line with 4 features bundle. Commission staff notes that the revised tariff page can be submitted to the Commission without a description page or an approval request; a tariff application is not required.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by R. Martin for M. Murray’

Michel Murray
Director, Regulatory Implementation

c.c.: Bob Martin, CRTC, (819) 953-3361,

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