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Ottawa, 31 July 2012

File Nos.: 8740-A2-201208679


Ms. Lori MacLean
Regulatory Coordinator,
6080 Young Street
Suite 801
Halifax, NS
B3K 5M3

Dear Madam:

RE: Tariff Notices 73 and 77

On 20 July 2012, the Commission received two applications by Amtelecom Limited Partnership (Amtelecom) and People’s Tel Limited Partnership (People’s), both operating as Eastlink under cover of Tariff Notices 73 and 77, in which the companies requested revisions to their General Tariffs to increase their public pay telephone service rate for originating local calls up to a maximum of $0.50.

Amtelecom and People’s both noted that not all their payphones can be modified to the $0.50 rate at this time due to technological limitations. The companies stated that the rate for local calls made from the payphones which are technically incapable would remain at $0.25 until such time as the payphones are upgraded.

Amtelecom and People’s are requested to respond to the following requests for information:

1. Confirm the total number of payphones that are currently in-service in each of the companies’ incumbent operating territories, and, of each company’s total, how many cannot be modified at the present time for implementation of the $0.50 rate.

2. Describe, in detail, each company’s plan to upgrade the “technically incapable” payphones in terms of expected start and completion dates. If the companies do not have any such plans, explain why not.

Amtelecom and People’s are requested to respond to the above requests for information with the Commission no later than 15 August 2012.

In addition, with regard to People’s Tariff Notice 77, Commission staff notes that an effective date of 4 August 2012 is identified on the proposed General Tariff CRTC 25540 page entitled “check page’’ (page1, Revision 16, Section 50). The effective date should have been identified as 31 August 2012 and, thus, the proposed tariff page must be corrected. People’s is requested to file an amended tariff application with the Commission no later than 15 August 2012.

Consequently, Tariff Notices 73 and 77, along with any associated subsequent revisions, will not be approved on an interim basis on the 15th calendar day following receipt. However, the Commission intends to dispose of these applications, along with all associated subsequent revisions, within 45 business days of receipt of complete applications.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by R. Martin for M. Murray’

Michel Murray
Director, Regulatory Implementation

c.c.: Imen Arfaoui, CRTC, (819) 997-4663,

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