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Ottawa, 14 May 2012


File No.: 8665-C12-201007229

Unit 15, 70 East Beaver Creek Rd
Richmond Hill, ON
L4B 3B2

Subject: Requirement to become a member of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc.

Dear iTalkBB:

This letter is to inform you that it appears to the Commission that iTalkBB is not a member of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc. (CCTS) as required by Commission direction.

As described further below, iTalkBB is required to respond to the Commission by 28 May 2012. Failure to respond could result in further action, including the initiation of a proceeding to show cause why the Commission should not order the Canadian carrier providing service to iTalkBB to disconnect such service.

The requirement to join the CCTS

The Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc. (CCTS) is an independent consumer agency with a mandate to facilitate the resolution of complaints relating to services provided by telecommunications service providers to residential and small business consumers.

Pursuant to Review of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-46, 26 January 2011, the Commission requires that all Canadian carriers and resellers that provide services within the scope of the CCTS’s mandate are to be members of the agency for a five-year period.

As set out in paragraph 18 of that regulatory policy,

“with respect to TSPs that were not members of the CCTS on 1 December 2010, the Commission determines, under section 24 of the Act, that for a period ending on 20 December 2015...
as a condition of providing telecommunications service to any reseller, all Canadian carriers are required to include in their service contracts and other arrangements with such resellers the stipulation that any such reseller is required to be a member of the CCTS commencing five days after the date on which the CCTS informs the reseller that the CCTS has received a complaint about the reseller falling within the scope of the CCTS’s mandate.”
Conclusion regarding iTalkBB

Based on the Commission’s records, the CCTS has received an in scope complaint about iTalkBB and, on 05 March 2012, notified iTalkBB that it must become a member of the CCTS. Further, as of the date of this letter, the Commission has no evidence that iTalkBB is a member of the CCTS.

Action required

Pursuant to section 37(2) of the Telecommunications Act, the Commission hereby directs iTalkBB to file by 28 May 2012 proof that it is or has become a member of the CCTS or argument demonstrating that iTalkBB does not provide services within the scope of the CCTS. Further, iTalkBB is to identify the service provider(s) it obtains service from as well as a list of the services provided to iTalkBB.

If iTalkBB fails to respond by 28 May 2012, the Commission will take further steps to enforce its membership requirement. In particular, the Commission intends to initiate a proceeding, during which iTalkBB will be required to show cause as to why the Commission should not require the Canadian carrier that provides services to iTalkBB to disconnect such services, given that iTalkBB’s membership in the CCTS is a condition of providing service to iTalkBB under section 24 of the Telecommunications Act.

You can contact the CCTS for information on how to become a member via the contact information below:

Josée Thibault
Director, Inquiries & Complaints
Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services
tel: 613.688.4752

Should you have any questions regarding the above matter, please contact Nanao Kachi at 819-997-4700.


Original signed by

John Traversy
Secretary General

c.c.: Nanao Kachi, Acting Director, Social & Consumer Policy

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