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Ottawa, 14 May 2012

File No.:  8340-N75-201015405


Mr. Eric Unrau
Director of Product Development & Marketing
Navigata Communications, 2009 Inc.
3rd Floor West, 3555 Gilmore Way
Burnaby, British Columbia
V5G 0B3

RE:  Agreements 1412/05 & 1412/06: Reminder regarding filing requirements

Dear Sir:

On 25 April 2012, the Commission received two applications by Navigata Communications, 2009 Inc. (Navigata), specifically containing Appendix 8 and Appendix 9 to Schedule C to the Master Agreement for Local Interconnection (MALI) between Navigata and TELUS Communications Company (TCC).

Paragraph 31 of Approval processes for tariff applications and intercarrier agreements, Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-455, 5 July 2010, states that a local exchange carrier (LEC) must file Schedule Cs to MALIs within seven business days of their execution.  However, Commission staff notes that the agreements between Navigata and TCC were executed in April and May of 2011, and they were therefore filed for approval approximately a year after their execution.  Staff reminds Navigata that in the future it will be expected to file any Schedule Cs to MALIs and other agreements within the required deadlines.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by M. Murray

Michel Murray
Director, Decisions and Operations

c:  Ted Woodhead, TELUS,
Diane Massie, CRTC, (819) 997-4576,

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