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Ottawa, 7 March 2012

Our Reference:  8662-R28-201201699


Mr. David Watt
Vice President, Regulatory Telecommunications
Shaw Communications
333 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 1G9

- AND -

Mr. William Sandiford
Chairman and President
107-85 Curlew Drive
Toronto, Ontario
M3A 2P8

Re:  Rogers’ Part 1 application to review and vary Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-703 - CNOC’s request for disclosure of information

Dear Sirs:

By letter dated 13 February 2012, Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) requested disclosure of certain information that Rogers Communications Partnership (Rogers) provided under a claim of confidentiality in its Part 1 application1 posted on the Commission’s website on 13 February 2012. Rogers replied to CNOC’s request on 17 February 2012.

On 1 March 2012, Rogers withdrew its 10 February 2012 Part 1 application and replaced it with an amended Part 1 application, which was posted on the Commission’s website on 1 March 2012 (Part 1 application).


Requests for disclosure of information designated as confidential are addressed in light of sections 38 and 39 of the Telecommunications Act (the Act) and sections 30 and following of the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure (the Rules).  In evaluating a request, an assessment is made as to whether the information falls into a category of information that can be designated confidential pursuant to section 39 of the Act.  The Commission then assesses whether there is any specific direct harm likely to result from the disclosure of the information in question and whether any such harm outweighs the public interest in disclosure. In making this evaluation, a number of factors are taken into consideration, including the degree of competition and the importance of the information to the ability of the Commission to obtain a full and complete record.  The factors considered by the Commission are discussed in more detail in Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961 Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in Commission proceedings.

Having regard to all of the considerations set out above and to the parties’ submissions, Rogers is to place on the public record of this proceeding, by 10 March 2012,the information designated as confidential in its Part I application that is identified below, to the extent set out below.  It is considered that the specific direct harm, if any, likely to be caused by disclosure of this information would not outweigh the public interest in its disclosure.

Dates for further submissions

In view of the above, the dates for the submission of answers/interventions and replies with respect to Rogers’ Part I application are 26 March 2012 and 5 April 2012, respectively.

Parties are to serve the applicant and all parties to the proceeding that led to TPR CRTC 2011-703.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by Y. Davidson’

Yvan Davidson
Director, Competitor Services and Costing
Telecommunications Directorate

cc:  Interested Parties to Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-77

[1]  In its Part I application, Rogers requested that the Commission review and vary certain determinations regarding costs made in Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-703.

Interested Parties to Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-77 lisagoetz@globalive.comvince.v regulatory@bell.aliant.caregulatory@execulink.comjcarter@surenet.netmike.manvell@switchworks.comghariton@sympatico.cactacit@tacitlaw.comcrtcmail@gmail.comscott@beamdog.commmallani@yahoo.cad.olafson@shaw.cawally@ciaccess.comjared.mcateer@istockphoto.comthepga@gmail.comdirkalgera@gmail.comtfarrelly@bryston.caal@purepages.carubenstein.mark@gmail.comjamiea@storm.caglenrfarrell@gmail.comdr.wilson@wilson-research.cajacqueslee917@gmail.comcatherine.middleton@ryerson.caapilon@acninc.comdeschec@ircm.qc.cajebouchard@phdvideo.comian_fraser@nomorecrtcspam.caspaesani@gmail.comdmckeown@viewcom.capeterdasilva@yahoo.caabriggs@cogeco.carwadsworth@sandvine.comdocument.control@sasktel.comsidneirohr@hotmail.comivan@vibrantprints.cajae@c-art.comrem00126@hotmail.comcmich@rogers.comtzaritsa1000@hotmail.comchad.cunningham@cwct.carenaonlinenow@gmail.comtisrael@cippic.cajfleger@jflegerlaw.comandyb@teksavvy.comsamsonmi@tlb.sympatico.caandre.labrie@mcccf.gouv.qc.caregulatory@primustel.caamanevich@heenan.cabrian@colenet.caRegulatory.Matters@corp.eastlink.caadena.dinn@calliougroup.comanlakenews@gmail.comregulatory@bcba.casatkepa@rogers.comlukej;


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