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Our reference: 8740-B2-20111676

Ottawa, 4 January 2012


Distribution list

Dear Madams, Sirs:

Re: Associated with Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 392 and Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7339 – Expedited process 

On 23 December 2011, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Bell Canada (collectively, the Bell companies) filed the above tariff notices seeking Commission approval to apply residential capacity charges on a business interface when residential traffic is mixed with business traffic on that interface.

The Bell companies requested an expedited interim approval of their proposed tariffs by 1 February 2012 in order to avoid what they described as the potential gaming of capacity based billing through diversion of residential traffic to business interfaces. In light of this concern, the Bell companies requested an expedited process to address their request for interim approval of residential capacity charges on a business interface when residential traffic is mixed with business traffic on that interface.

Under the circumstances, the request for an expedited process to consider the Bell companies’ request for interim approval of these tariffs by 1 February 2012 is viewed to be appropriate. In the circumstances, the following process is set out:

The Bell companies are to respond to the questions in Appendix 1, serving copies on those listed in the attached distribution list, by 9 January 2012.

Interested persons may file comments with the Commission regarding interim approval of the tariff notices, serving copies on the Bell companies, by 12 January 2012. The Bell companies may file reply comments with the Commission, serving copies on all parties to whom they are replying, by 16 January 2012.

This expedited process is in addition to the normal process regarding comments on final approval of these tariffs as set out in the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure. As such, interested persons will still have until 8 February 2012 to file interventions regarding final approval of the tariff notices, and the Bell companies will have until 20 February 2012 to reply.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by:

Yvan Davidson

Director, Competitor Services & Costing

c.c.:       Lynne Fancy
              Tom Vilmansen


Appendix 1

  1. Provide a detailed explanation of how, in the Bell companies’ view, a wholesale customer of the Bell companies’ GAS service could divert the traffic of its residential end-customers to a business interface (i.e. a business AHSSPI or the business domain in the case of a shared IP AHSSPI).
  2. Provide rationale for the specific rating approach for the capacity charge that the Bell companies are proposing to apply when they have determined that a wholesale customer has directed residence traffic to a business interface.


Parties to Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-77 lisagoetz@globalive.comvince.v regulatory@bell.aliant.caregulatory@execulink.comjcarter@surenet.netmike.manvell@switchworks.comrtwanow@gmail.comghariton@sympatico.cactacit@tacitlaw.comcrtcmail@gmail.comscott@beamdog.commmallani@yahoo.cad.olafson@shaw.cawally@ciaccess.comjared.mcateer@istockphoto.comthepga@gmail.comdirkalgera@gmail.comtfarrelly@bryston.caal@purepages.carubenstein.mark@gmail.comjamiea@storm.caglenrfarrell@gmail.comdr.wilson@wilson-research.cajacqueslee917@gmail.comcatherine.middleton@ryerson.caapilon@acninc.comdeschec@ircm.qc.cajebouchard@phdvideo.comian_fraser@nomorecrtcspam.cascottandkai@rogers.comspaesani@gmail.comdmckeown@viewcom.capeterdasilva@yahoo.caabriggs@cogeco.carwadsworth@sandvine.comdocument.control@sasktel.comsidneirohr@hotmail.comivan@vibrantprints.cajae@c-art.comrem00126@hotmail.comcmich@rogers.comtzaritsa1000@hotmail.comchad.cunningham@cwct.carenaonlinenow@gmail.comtisrael@cippic.cajfleger@jflegerlaw.comandyb@teksavvy.comsamsonmi@tlb.sympatico.caandre.labrie@mcccf.gouv.qc.caregulatory@primustel.caamanevich@heenan.cabrian@colenet.caRegulatory.Matters@corp.eastlink.caadena.dinn@calliougroup.comanlakenews@gmail.comregulatory@bcba.casatkepa@rogers.comlukej;;

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