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Ottawa, 12 October 2012



Date: 12 October 2012

To: Sylvie Courtemanche

Company: OWN Inc.

E-mail or Fax:

From: Lynda Roy, Hearing Secretary, 819-953-4009

Re: CRTC 2012-560 - Public Hearing commencing on 11 December 2012 – Non-compliance of OWN Inc. – Mandatory Order Hearing
Reference Number: 2012-1233-1

In a letter dated 15 August 2012, OWN Inc. (the licensee) was informed that its application dated 23 July 2012 had been closed as the Commission has considered it inappropriate to consider a requested change from a Category A to a Category B specialty service via amendment of licence. Consequently, the matters raised by that application have been placed on the agenda of the Public Hearing to commence on 11 December 2012 at 9:00 a.m., at the Conference Centre, Phase IV, 140 Promenade du Portage, Gatineau, Quebec. Please consult the Notice for further details. A copy of the Notice is enclosed.

Please be advised that the Commission requires the appearance of the licensee at the above-noted Public Hearing.

In accordance with section 35(1)(a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practices and Procedure (the Rules), you are required to post the Notice or an electronic link to it on a page of the licensee’s website that is accessible from the home page no later than 5 calendar days from the date of the Notice and keep it there until the deadline for intervening in the proceeding.

A copy of the material that forms the record of this public hearing is attached to this letter. As noted in the attached Notice, additional documents may be added to the file at a subsequent time.

Pursuant to s.57 of the Rules, the licensee is entitled to provide comments by Access Key, on the documents relied on by the Commission and file supporting documents by
29 October 2012.

The deadline for interventions in this proceeding is 13 November 2012. Should an interested person ask you how to file an intervention or answer, you may inform them that a link to the electronic intervention form is available in every Commission notice. The use of this electronic form will greatly facilitate the process of interventions by the Commission.

Please note that the licensee may file a reply to any intervention received by 23 November 2012. A copy of the reply must be served upon the intervener.

Yours sincerely,

Lynda Roy
Hearing Secretary


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