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Ottawa, 16 August 2012

By E-mail

Jennifer Salmon
On behalf of CIDG and its members

Re: application 2011-1670-8 – Application by the Canadian Independent Distributors Group against Bell Media Inc. alleging an undue preference

Dear Ms. Salmon:

This is reference to the application 2011-1670-8 by the Canadian Independent Distributors Group (CIDG) wherein a claim is made that members of the CIDG are being subjected to an undue disadvantage contrary to s. 10.1 of the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990, by being denied access to distribute certain Bell Media Inc. specialty services.

Given the Commission’s determinations in Broadcasting Decision 2012-393 and Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2012-407, it is our view that the above noted application is now moot. The file is therefore considered closed.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Scott Hutton
Executive Director – Broadcasting

c.c. Bell Media Inc.
Bragg Communications Inc.
Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc.
Cogeco Cable Canada LP, represented by Cogeco Cable Canada GP Inc.
MTS Inc.
TELUS Communications Company

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