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Ottawa, 3 July 2012

To: TELUS Communications Inc.
      Ann Mainville-Neeson, Director, Broadcast Regulation

Re: application number 2012-0355-4. Undue preference/disadvantage complaint from OUTtv Network Inc. (OUTtv) filed on 20 March 2012 against TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS).

Commission staff has reviewed the record in relation to the above-noted complaint and considers that additional information is necessary in order to enable the Commission to reach a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject matter of the proceeding.

Accordingly, pursuant to section 28 of the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure (the Rules of Practice and Procedure), TELUS is required to provide the information requested below:

  1. A description of all packages or bundles that are currently available to Optik TV subscribers and TELUS’ marketing initiatives associated with them (attaching any relevant source documents such as copies of website pages), noting, in particular, any changes made since TELUS’ submission of 23 April 2012 and any impact on OUTtv’s service and other services included in the “Lifestyle” or “Lifestyle Extra” packages; and
  2. Current penetration rates for all packages or bundles that are available to Optik TV subscribers (including “Lifestyle” and “Lifestyle Extra”).

TELUS is required to file this information with the Commission by 9 July 2012. OUTtv may file an answer to TELUS’ submission by 13 July 2012. TELUS may file a reply by 17 July 2012. TELUS and OUTtv are reminded to serve each other with copies of their submissions.

TELUS is further reminded that any confidentiality designation that it makes pursuant to sections 31 and 32 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure must be accompanied by reasons and any supporting documents as to why disclosure of the information would not be in the public interest, identifying the specific direct harm that would be likely to result from disclosure.


(Original signed by)
Randolph Hutson
Senior Director, Alternative Dispute Resolution

Cc: Brad Danks, Chief Operating Officer, OUTtv

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