ARCHIVED -  Procedural Letter

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Ottawa, 14 June 2012

By E-mail

Dear Mr. De Brabant:

Re: Application 2012-0188-9 – To renew the licence of CHIM-FM Timmins and its transmitters

This is in reference to the application by 1158556 Ontario Ltd. to renew the broadcasting licence of the radio programming undertaking CHIM-FM Timmins and its transmitters. Reference is also made to your e-mails dated 4 June, 7 June, 8 June, 11 June and 12 June 2012 wherein you have sought to file additional argument and information in addition to requesting to appear at the 19 June 2012 public hearing by videoconference.

As indicated in a letter dated 11 June 2012, the Commission acknowledges receipt of the additional information filed on 4 June, 7 June and 8 June 2012 and has added the information to the public file of the application.

As set out in its letter dated 31 May 2012, the Commission reminds you again that you are required to appear at the hearing commencing on 19 June 2012 to discuss the renewal of the licence of CHIM-FM, the instances of apparent non-compliance and to show cause why the licence of CHIM-FM should not be subject to a short-term renewal or mandatory orders and why the Commission should not suspend or not renew the licence.

In light of the nature of the issues to be discussed and the seriousness of the potential outcomes of this hearing, the Commission is willing to take measures to help accommodate your request to appear via videoconference if this option is available. However, given the short notice provided to the Commission - your request to appear via videoconference was received 11 June 2012, one week prior to the hearing – the Commission may be unable to make such arrangements. If the option is available, Commission staff will contact you to provide direction as to the next steps you will be required to take.

If videoconference is not available, the licensee will still be required to appear at the hearing. A representative may appear on behalf of the licensee; however, please note that it is the responsibility of 1158556 Ontario Ltd. to ensure that representatives appearing on its behalf are capable of addressing questions related to the undertaking.

You are reminded that should the licensee fail to appear, a decision regarding its application, including the issues of non-compliance, will nonetheless be made on the basis of the existing record.

Concerning the filing of additional information, no advance determination from the hearing panel with regards to instances of apparent non-compliance will be made. A number of outstanding issues will be discussed at the hearing and you will have the opportunity to present your case to the Commission at this time.

Please note that applicants are required to file their applications, related documents and related correspondence electronically using Access Key.

Should you need further information concerning this application, please do not hesitate to contact Valentina Lavigne by telephone at 819-997-9350, by fax at 819-994-0218 or by E-mail at .

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

(Original signed by Michael Craig, on behalf of)

Annie Laflamme
Radio Policy and Applications


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