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Ottawa, 29 May 2012

Mr. Daniel Riddell
Director of Programming
Wild TV
11263 180th Street
Edmonton, AB
T5S 0B4

Re: Application 2012-0200-4 – Application by Wild TV to amend the broadcasting licence for the national, English language Category 2 specialty programming service Wild TV

Dear Mr. Riddell:
This is further to your application to amend the broadcasting licence for the national, English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking Wild TV (The Hunting Channel) in order to modify the list of program categories from which it may draw programming for the service.

After reviewing the program logs for Wild TV, Commission staff notes that you have failed to provide error free copies of your logs for the 2008/2009 and 2010/2011 broadcast years.

Section 10.(3) of the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987 , Section 7.(2) of the Speciality Service Regulations, 1990 and Section 4.(2) of the Pay Television Regulations, 1990 state that, except as otherwise provided under a condition of its licence, a licensee shall furnish to the Commission, within 30 days after the end of each month, the program log or machine-readable record of the licensee for that month, together with a certificate signed by or on behalf of the licensee attesting to the accuracy of the contents of the log or record.

Furthermore, in Broadcasting Information Bulletin 2011-650, Procedures for television services in non-compliance with logging requirements (the Bulletin), the Commission states that it could impose regulatory sanctions on television licensees that are in non-compliance with their logging requirements. The Bulletin states that the Commission could:

As such, and pursuant to the Bulletin, the Commission will not proceed with application 2012-0200-4 until Wild TV has provided error free program logs for the aforementioned broadcast years.

Should you require further information, please contact Mrs. Catherine Blais, Manager, TV Monitoring, at 819-997-4721.

A copy of this letter and all other correspondence will be placed on the undertakings’ public files.

Yours truly,

Original signed by

Sheehan Carter
Senior Manager
English and third language programming

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