ARCHIVED -  Procedural Letter

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Ottawa, 17 April 2012

By E-mail

Dear Rob Braide:

Re: application number 2012-0447-9

This is in reference to your Part 1 undue preference application against CBC.

Section 22 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may request parties to file information, particulars or documents where needed.

Please provide the following information:

The email address of the applicant and any designated representative;

An email address at which parties may obtain copies of the application; or, in the alternative, post the application on your website.

A list of the persons on whom the application was served and the email address of each, if any.

You are required to provide the information/document(s) noted above on the public record by Friday 20 April 2012.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Shirley Ann Farley
Senior Analyst, Alternative Dispute Resolution

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