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Ottawa, 4 April 2012

Ms. Susan Wheeler
Regulatory Affairs, Media
Rogers Broadcasting Limited
333 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario M4W 1G9

Re: Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-447- G4TechTV Compliance Report (case # 496398)

Dear Ms. Wheeler,
Thank you for your submission regarding the changes G4TechTV(G4) has
made in order to better adhere to their nature of service definition.

After a more detailed look at the programming and overall direction of G4,
staff notes that while some of the programs such as “IT Crowd” and “Attack
of the Show” seem to fit well within your nature of service definition, some
clarification is still required to determine whether G4 is in compliance with its
nature of service. Please respond to the following questions:

1) Please provide a more detailed list and description of the programs
that make up the Adult Digital Distraction (ADD) block of programming
such as “Eagleheart” and “Delocated”, and explain how these and the
other ADD programs factor into your program strategy and relate to
computing, technology and the Internet.

2) As well, in your letter you state that “we further note that programming
is no long shared between G4 and OLN”. However, it appears that
“Campus PD” airs on both networks. Please explain how this program
fits within both G4 and OLN’s nature of service definitions.

We also request that you repeat the questions in your reply.

In the description box, please repeat the “subject” line for all related
correspondence concerning this matter and quote case # 496398

Please note, that all correspondence must be submitted by using our On-line
services available on our website via the following link:

Please be advised that this letter and all related correspondence will be
placed on the public file (case# 496398).

Yours sincerely,

(original signed by)

Tracy Speigel
Broadcasting Analyst
English and Third Language Programming

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