ARCHIVED -  Procedural Letter

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Ottawa, 5 January 2012

To: Bell Canada
Barry Chapman, Vice President – Regulatory affairs

Re: application number 2011-1661-6. Undue preference/disadvantage complaint from OUTtv Network Inc. (OUTtv) and Request for abbreviated process.

On 23 December 2011, Bell Canada (Bell) requested that the Commission conduct an abbreviated process with respect to the above noted application. Specifically, Bell requested that an expedited process be concluded by 2 February 2012 with a Commission decision (separate reasons to follow) in order to avoid any interference with Bell’s 19 February 2012 new programming repackaging launch date.

Bell’s proposed expedited process timetable:
- Bell Answer and Interventions filed and served by 16 January 2012
- OUTtv Reply filed and served by 26 January 2012
- Commission decision (with separate reasons to follow) 2 February 2012.

On 23 December 2011, OUTtv , filed a letter in support of Bell’s request.

Bell s request is approved in part. Commission staff considers it appropriate to allow for a slightly different timetable to ensure the public has sufficient time to comment or intervene within the process timeframe. Accordingly, the timetable for the process will be as follows:

- Public Intervention period and Response by Bell: 19 January 2012
- OUTtv reply period 25 January 2012
- Commission decision (with separate reasons to follow) 10 February2012

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by Peter Foster in the name of

Scott Hutton, Executive Director - Broadcasting, CRTC.

Cc: Brad Danks, Chief Operating Officer, OUTtv

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