Broadcasting Information Bulletin CRTC 2012-503

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Ottawa, 19 September 2012

Applications processed pursuant to streamlined procedures

The Commission sets out lists of applications that did not require a public process and that it processed from 1 May 2012 to 30 June 2012 pursuant to its streamlined procedures. These applications involve transfers of ownership and changes in the effective control of broadcasting undertakings, as well as applications for amendments or extensions of deadlines.

1.    The Commission has streamlined procedures for its consideration of applications that involve transfers of ownership and changes in the effective control of broadcasting undertakings, amendments or extensions of deadlines, and that do not require a public process.1 Under these procedures, and on a case-by-case basis, the Commission may approve or deny such an application without first having issued a notice of consultation provided that:

a)    its examination of the application reveals no significant policy concern; and

b)    the Commission is convinced that approval or denial would be consistent with its approvals or denials of previous applications.

2.    Where these two conditions are met, the Commission is generally satisfied that a process initiated by a notice of consultation is not required in the public interest and would unnecessarily delay implementation of the transaction contemplated or of other proposals by the applicant.

3.    In the appendices to this information bulletin, the Commission sets out lists of applications that did not require a public process and that it processed from 1 May 2012 to 30 June 2012 pursuant to its streamlined procedures. The list of applications involving transfers of ownership and changes in the effective control of broadcasting undertakings is set out in Appendix 1 to this information bulletin. The list of applications involving amendments or extensions of deadlines is set out in Appendix 2.

Secretary General

Related Documents

Appendix 1 to Broadcasting Information Bulletin CRTC 2012-503

Ownership applications processed by the Commission by administrative letter from 1 May 2012 to 30 June 2012 pursuant to its streamlined procedures

Item Licensee Application & date of decision Decision and description of the transaction
1. Télé-Mag inc. 2012-0400-0
13 May 2012
APPROVED – Change in the effective control of Télé-Mag inc. from Ms. Marjolaine Gagné to Mr. Réal Perron, following the death of Ms. Gagné.
Télé-Mag inc. is the licensee of the low-power community television programming undertaking CHMG-TV Québec, Quebec.
2. Serdy Média inc. 2012-0467-7
24 May 2012
APPROVED – Change to the ownership of Serdy Media inc. as part of a corporate reorganization transferring the shares held by Serdy inc. in Serdy Media inc. to a new wholly owned subsidiary of Serdy inc. This transaction does not affect the effective control of the licensees Canal Évasion inc. and Zeste Diffusion inc., which continues to be exercised by Serge Arsenault.
Canal Évasion inc. is the licensee of the specialty Category A service Evasion. Zeste Diffusion inc. is the licensee of the specialty Category B service Zeste.
3. Five Amigos Broadcasting Inc. 2012-0496-6
28 May 2012
APPROVED – Change to the ownership of Five Amigos Broadcasting Inc. (FAB), through the transfer of the shares held by Greg Aarssen (17%) and Greg Hetherington (25%) to the three other shareholders. This transaction does not affect the effective control of the licensee, which continues to be exercised by its board of directors, pursuant to the shareholders agreement in place.
FAB is the licensee of CKXS-FM Wallaceburg, Ontario.
4. Channel 1 Film & TV Production Inc. 2012-0429-7
30 May 2012
APPROVED – Change in the effective control of Channel 1 Film & TV Production Inc. (Channel 1) from Santoksh S. Gill (50%), Sundip Brar and Harrinder Bhambra (each holding 25%) to a joint control exercised by Santoksh S. Gill (50%) and daughter Jaqraj K. Judge (50%).
Channel 1 is authorized to operate a regional specialty Category B service called MP TV (see MP TV – Specialty Category B service, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-611, 23 September 2011). This undertaking is not yet in operation.
5. Four Senses Entertainment Inc. 2012-0401-5
30 May 2012
APPROVED – Change in the effective control of Four Senses Entertainment Inc. (Four Senses) from a control exercised by its board of directors to a control exercised by Robert Wilson.
Four Senses is the licensee of CFTW-FM Whistler, British Columbia, and is also authorized to operate an English-language FM radio programming undertaking also in Whistler, British Columbia (see English-language FM radio station in Whistler, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2009-102, 2 March 2009). This undertaking is not yet in operation.
6. 9022-6242 Québec inc. 2012-0577-4
5 June 2012
APPROVED - Change in the effective control of 9022-6242 Québec inc. (9022-6242 Québec) from a control exercised by Ms. Cécile Duchesneau to a control exercised by her spouse, Mr. Yvon Savoie.
9022-6242 Québec is the licensee of the radio programming undertaking CHLC-FM Baie-Comeau, Quebec.
7. 9174-8004 Québec inc. 2012-0256-4
8 June 2012
APPROVED - Change in the effective control of 9174-8004 Québec inc. (9174-8004 Québec) from a control exercised by its board of directors to a control exercised by Mr. Richard Speer, through Attraction Radio inc.
9174-8004 Québec is the licensee of the radio programming undertaking CHEQ-FM Sainte-Marie de Beauce, Quebec.
8. Radio Saguenay inc. 2012-0672-2
15 June 2012
APPROVED – Change in the effective control of Radio Saguenay inc. (Radio Saguenay), as part of a temporary management delegation, from a control exercised by its board of directors to a control exercised by Mr. Richard Speer, through Attraction Radio inc.
Radio Saguenay is the licensee of the radio programming undertaking CKRS-FM Chicoutimi, Quebec.
9. TVA Group Inc. and Sun Media Corporation, partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Sun News General Partnership 2012-0660-8
28 June 2012
APPROVED – Change in the effective control of TVA Group Inc. and Sun Media Corporation, partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Sun News General Partnership, as part of a corporate reorganisation, from a control exercised by the partner TVA Group Inc. to a control exercised by the partner Sun Media Corporation.

Appendix 2 to Broadcasting Information Bulletin CRTC 2012-503

Applications for amendments or extensions of deadlines that did not require a public process and that were processed by the Commission from 1 May 2012 to 30 June 2012 pursuant to its streamlined procedures

Item Licensee Application & date of the decision Decision and description of the application
1. Zeste Diffusion inc. 2012-0469-3
8 May 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, French-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking known as Zeste, to become a Category B service.
2. Rogers Broadcasting Limited 2012-0483-3
10 May 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking known as CityNews Channel, to become a Category B service.
3. Knowledge-West Communications Corporation 2012-0507-1
15 May 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking known as BBC Kids, to become a Category B service.
4. Groupe TVA inc. 2012-0536-0
18 May 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, French-language Category 2 general-interest specialty programming undertaking known as Mlle, to become a Category B service.
5. Groupe TVA inc. 2012-0537-8
18 May 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, French-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking known as YOOPA, to become a Category B service.
6. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2012-0549-3
18 May 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, French-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking known as Explora, to become a Category B service.
7. 9174-8004 Québec inc. 2012-0541-9
18 May 2012
APPROVED - Extension to 19 August 2013 to commence the operation of the French-language community radio programming undertaking CHEQ-FM Sainte-Marie de Beauce, Quebec. This is the final extension to be granted by the Commission.
8. Shaw Television G.P.  Inc. (the general partner) and Shaw Media Global Inc. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Shaw Television Limited Partnership 2012-0550-1
24 May 2012
APPROVED - Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the English-language digital television programming undertaking CIII-DT-41 Toronto, Ontario, to add post-transition digital rebroadcasting transmitters in Timmins, Sudbury and Oil Springs, Ontario.
9. Rogers Broadcasting Limited 2012-0501-3
8 June 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking known as Sportsnet One, to become a Category C service.
10. Fairchild Television Ltd. 2012-0575-8
11 June 2012
DENIED – Extension of the time limit to commence the operation of the national, third-language general-interest ethnic Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as Talentvision II.
11. Fairchild Television Ltd. 2012-0574-0
11 June 2012
DENIED – Extension of the time limit to commence the operation of the national, third-language general-interest ethnic Category 2 specialty programming undertaking to be known as Fairchild Television II.
12. Shaw Television G.P. Inc. (the general partner) and Shaw Media Global Inc. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Shaw Television Limited Partnership 2012-0657-4
15 June 2012
APPROVED - Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the English-language digital television programming undertaking CIII-DT-41 Toronto, Ontario, to add a post-transition digital rebroadcasting transmitter in Owen Sound, Ontario.
13. Radio communautaire de Lévis 2012-0652-4
18 June 2012
APPROVED - Extension to 4 September 2013 to commence the operation of the French-language Type B community FM radio programming undertaking to serve Lévis, Quebec. This is the final extension to be granted by the Commission.
14. The Sports Network Inc. 2012-0646-7
20 June 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, English-language specialty Category C service known as The Sports Network, to modify the definition of “broadcast day” from 18 to 24 hours.
15. Le Réseau des sports (RDS) inc. 2012-0649-1
20 June 2012
APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence for the national, French-language specialty Category C service known as Le Réseau des sports, to modify the definition of “broadcast day” from 18 to 24 hours.
16. Joel Lagacé, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated 2012-0686-3
27 June 2012
APPROVED - Extension to 21 July 2013 to commence the operation of the English-language, low-power Type B community FM radio programming undertaking CJFL-FM Iroquois Falls, Ontario. This is the first extension to be granted by the Commission.


[1] In regard to the Commission’s streamlined approach for applications involving ownership issues, see Broadcasting Public Notice 2003-50. In regard to the Commission’s streamlined approach for applications involving amendments and extensions of deadlines, see Broadcasting Information Bulletin 2010-960.

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