ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2012-484
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Route reference: Part 1 application posted 3 May 2012
Ottawa, 7 September 2012
Rogers Broadcasting Limited
Saint John, New Brunswick
Application 2012-0480-0
CHNI-FM Saint John – Licence amendment
The Commission approves in part the application by Rogers Broadcasting Limited to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language specialty commercial radio station CHNI-FM Saint John, New Brunswick, and for a one-year administrative renewal of its broadcasting licence.
The application
1. The Commission received an application by Rogers Broadcasting Limited (Rogers) to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language specialty commercial radio programming undertaking CHNI-FM Saint John, New Brunswick.
2. Specifically, the licensee has requested the deletion of condition of licence 6, relating to Canadian talent development (CTD), which reads as follows:
6. The licensee shall devote a minimum of $10,000 during each broadcast year in direct expenditures to support the development of Canadian talent. This amount shall be devoted to scholarships to support the development of local broadcast journalism in Saint John.
3. As part of its application, Rogers also requested a one-year administrative renewal of CHNI-FM’s broadcasting licence in order to evaluate its new business plan and programming model in light of CKNI-FM Moncton and CHNI-FM Saint John – Licence amendments, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2010-465, 9 July 2010. In that decision, the Commission approved an amendment to CHNI-FM’s conditions of licence relating to the amount of music it may broadcast. As a result, CHNI-FM is permitted to devote up to 25% of its programming to musical selections.
4. The Commission did not receive any interventions in connection with this application.
Commission’s analysis and decisions
5. In regard to CHNI-FM’s condition of licence relating to CTD, Commission records show that Rogers has spent the total required amount of $70,000 in direct expenditures to support Canadian talent over the first seven-year licence term. As such, it has therefore met the requirements of its condition of licence 6. Rogers will continue to be governed under section 15(2) of the Radio Regulations, 1986, related to Canadian content development.
6. With respect to the licensee’s request for the one-year administrative renewal of the broadcasting licence for CHNI-FM, the Commission notes that the licence was administratively renewed in Administrative renewals, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2012-434, 8 August 2012, until 31 August 2013. As a result, the Commission considers it unnecessary to make a determination with respect to the licensee’s request for a one-year administrative renewal of its licence.
7. In light of the all of the above, the Commission approves in part the present application by Rogers Broadcasting Limited. Specifically, the Commission approves the application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language specialty commercial radio programming undertaking CHNI-FM Saint John, New Brunswick, by deleting its condition of licence relating to CTD.
Secretary General
*This decision is to be appended to the licence.
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