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Ottawa, 8 November 2011

Our Ref.: 8663-C41-200813800


TO:  See attached distribution list

Re:  Local competition in small ILEC territories

Dear Sir or Madam:

The Commission requires additional information in order to complete the cost estimates submitted in the local competition implementation plans and the replies to requests for information from small incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs).

Small ILECs must file their replies to the Commission’s interrogatory, appended to this letter, by 14 November 2011.

All documents must be submitted in accordance with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, SOR/2010-277.


[Original signed by S. Bédard]

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

Laurie Ventura, CRTC (819) 997-4589,
Marc Pilon, CRTC (819) 997-4535,

Distribution list

Louise Bégin, Téléphone Milot inc.,
Louise Bégin, Sogetel inc.,
Pierre Allard, CoopTel,
Jean-François Mathieu, La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton Inc.,
Guy Cordeau, Téléphone Guèvremont inc.,
Raymonde Lapierre, La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc.,
Michel Couture, Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc.,
Jean Bélanger, La Compagnie de téléphone de Saint-Victor,
Serge Désy, Association des Compagnies de téléphone du Québec inc.,
Roger Choquette, Consultant and Authorized Representative,
Ted Woodhead, TCC,
Michel Messier, Cogeco,

Interrogatory – Implementation plan for local competition and local number portability

CoopTel, Téléphone Guèvremont, Lambton,  Milot, Sogetel, St-Éphrem, St-Victor, Upton

1)  The small ILECs proposed [cost] estimates for staff training that vary significantly from one to the other. Please provide the following details:

a)  a list and description of activities;
b)  the number of employees requiring training;
c)  the training time for each employee;
d)  the hourly rate and unit cost per employee.

In some cases, additional costs for personnel training have been proposed for the third year. Explain why.

2)  Regarding expenditures for modifications to internal systems, provide the following details:

a)  a breakdown of expenditures per major activity, in addition to the methodology and assumptions used to calculate costs, with supporting rationale;

b)  a list of activities and resources, with a description of each, required to modify the internal systems;

c)  for each major activity, the number of hours and the hourly rate for each person-resource associated;

d)  a description of the functions of each system.

3)  Regarding the proposed cost of implementing the local number portability (LNP) software:

a)  Provide a detailed breakdown of the cost of the LNP software by major component, including equipment, installation and other costs, and the methodology and assumptions used, with supporting rationale.

b)  If no cost was proposed for the LNP software, explain why.

c)  The small ILECs registered as competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), that are required to provide local number portability (LNP), such as Sogetel and Cooptel, nonetheless submitted capital expenditures. Identify and quantify the capital expenditures for the major LNP software components required in addition to the capital expenditures and related costs for LNP already incurred, with supporting rationale.

4)  Provide a breakdown of implementation and recurring consulting feesper major activity, with supporting rationale including, for each activity, a description, the time required and the hourly rate.


5)  In the case of Téléphone Guévremont, the company proposed costs for the staff responsible for establishing interconnections with the telephone facility. Please provide the following details:

a)  a list of all activities and resources required to establish interconnections with the telephone facility, with a description of each;

b)  a breakdown of expenditures per major activity, in addition to the methodology and assumptions used to calculate costs, with supporting rationale;

c)  for each major activity, the number of hours and the hourly rate for each person-resource associated;

d)  whether or not the costs are derived using the formula for sharing interconnection costs between the company and [its] competitors.

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