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Ottawa, 2 September 2011

File No.:  8643-C172-201111541


Ms. A. Chris Sprague
Senior Regulatory Advisor
Comwave Networks Inc.
61 Wildcat Road
Toronto, Ontario  M3J 2P5

RE:  Request for extension to respond to a request for information

Dear Ms Sprague:

By letter dated 1 September 2011, Comwave Networks Inc. (Comwave) requested an extension of time to file its response to a request for information from Commission staff. In its letter, Comwave indicated that it requires this extension because its staff person associated with this file is on summer vacation until 12 September 2011, and that it would therefore be unable to provide the requested information within the prescribed response period.

Commission staff considers that, under the circumstances, Comwave’s request for an extension of time is appropriate. Accordingly, Comwave  is to file its responses with the Commission by 19 September 2011. In light of this extension, the comment period for this application is hereby extended until 22 September 2011. Documents are to be received, and not merely sent, by the dates indicated.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by’

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc: Sylvie Labbé, CRTC, (819) 953-4945,

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