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Ottawa, 9 August 2011

File no.: 8622-T69-201108332


Mr. Roger Choquette
Consultant and Authorized Representative of Sogetel Inc.
Comgate Telemanagement Ltd.
428 E. Thunderbird Rd, #133
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Mr. Ted Woodhead
Vice-President, Telecom Policy and Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Company
215 Slater Street, 8th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 0A6

Mr. Sylvain Bellerive
Vice-President, Financial Services
Sogetel Inc.
111 Rue du 12 novembre
Nicolet, Quebec, Canada J3T 1S3

Dear Sirs:

Re: Facilities at the new TELUS point of interconnection in Lac-Etchemin, Quebec

Commission staff has received a letter from TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) dated 15 July 2011, in which TELUS expresses concerns about the date on which circuits ordered from Sogetel Inc. (Sogetel) will be delivered to the new location of TELUS’s point of interconnection (POI) with Sogetel in Lac-Etchemin, Quebec.

Commision staff notes that its letter of 9 June 2011, in response to TELUS’s request for an expedited hearing to resolve a dispute with Sogetel regarding the relocation of the POI in question, stated that Commission staff considered that TELUS’s request could be met by 31 July 2011 and that Sogetel was to comply with the request immediately.

Commission staff notes that TELUS initiated its order for circuits at the new POI in Lac-Etchemin on 6 April 2011, after the start of discussions concerning the relocation of this POI in November 2010. Commission staff also notes that the incumbent local exchange carriers’ delivery times for similar circuits do not exceed 15 business days—in the worst-case scenario—if facilities are in place.

Furthermore, for the calcultion of applicable fees as of 1 January 2012, Commission staff believes that in the event of Sogetel’s failure to deliver the circuits to the stated address by 31 July 2011, without a valid reason, it would be reasonable to consider TELUS and Sogetel’s new toll network interconnection configuration (number of DS-1s and associated distance) to have been effectively completed on 31 July 2011.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by Lynne Fancy

John Traversy
Executive Director

cc: Yvon Brunelle, Account Manager and Business Solutions
Gerry Lylyk, Director, Dispute Resolution, CRTC
Mario Bertrand, Director, Competition Implementation and Technology, CRTC
Diane Sullivan, TELUS Communications Company

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