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File No.: 8622-P8-201015925

Ottawa, 23 June 2011


Natalie MacDonald
Bragg Communications Inc.
Vice President, Regulatory Matters

Re: Application by the Consumer Groups regarding the implementation of wholesale high-speed access services by EastLink – Additional Questions

In order to assist the Commission in making its determinations in this matter, further information is required from EastLink.  Additional questions to EastLink are provided in an attachment to this letter.

Responses to these questions are to be filed with the Commission by 19 July 2011.

Please note that these questions to EastLink relate entirely to information designated as confidential by EastLink pursuant to section 39 of the Telecommunications Act.  Accordingly, the attachment is not being placed on the public record.


Original signed by:

John Macri
Director, Telecommunications Policy


cc :  William Sandiford, Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
         (letter only)
       John Lawford, the Consumer Groups (letter only)
       Bob Martin, CRTC
       Adam Mills, CRTC

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