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Ottawa, 15 February 2011

Our reference: 8740-T66-201016246


Mr. Terry Connolly
Director, Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Company
10020-100 Street N.W., Floor 31
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0N5

RE: TELUS Communications Company Tariff Notice 400 (Alberta and British Columbia) and Tariff Notice 550 (Quebec)

On 29 October 2010, the Commission received applications by TELUS Communications Company (the company) under Tariff Notice 400, for services to be provided in its incumbent territories in Alberta and British Columbia (B.C.), and under Tariff Notice 550 for services to be provided in its incumbent territory in Quebec. In its applications, the company proposed changes to its Carrier Access Tariffs to introduce Competitor Backbone Services in order to implement the Commission’s determinations in Follow-up to Telecom Decision 2008-1 – Proposal by TELUS Communications Company to dispose of the funds remaining in its deferral accounts, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-639, 31 August 2010.

On 24 January 2011, the company filed Tariff Notice 550A to clarify certain aspects of its service offering.

The company is required to file, by 25 February 2011, responses to the attached interrogatories. These responses must be received by that date, not merely sent.

In light of the above, the Commission is unable to dispose of Tariff Notice 400 within 45 business days of receipt of the application. The Commission expects to issue its decision on these applications by the end of March 2011.

Yours sincerely,
‘Original signed by S. Bédard’


Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc: Martin Brazeau, CRTC, (819) 997-3498,



1. For Alberta, B.C., and Quebec, the proposed tariff indicates that rates for Internet and Ethernet services will vary according to population numbers.

a. Define the term “population” used in the rate tables, describing the specific characteristics of the term; and

b. Describe the method the company will use to determine the population range for a specific community.

2. In the proposed tariff for Alberta and B.C., the service description specifies that “Competitor Backbone Services are only available in communities approved for broadband expansion by the CRTC in Decisions 2007-50 and 2008-1 (listed below).” However, a list of the communities approved for broadband expansion by the Commission is not in the tariff. Confirm whether it was the company’s intention to include a list of the approved communities in the proposed tariff and, if so, provide this list. If not, explain why the company included a reference in the tariff to such a list.

3. For the proposed service in Alberta and B.C., the definition of the term “Deferral Account Community” indicates that “Competitor Backbone Services in these communities is planned to be available over the 2011 to 2014 time period.” Explain if the company plans to restrict the availability of these services to that time period. If so, provide justification for restricting the availability of these services rather than continuing to offer them after that period.

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