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Ottawa, 11 January 2011

Our reference:  8180-K8-201015801

Via Letter and Email

Farooq Hossein
Kimcot Inc. 
29 Gervais Street, Suite 203
Toronto, ON
M3C 1Y9

RE: Registration of Kimcot Inc. as a Proposed Competitive Local Exchange Carrier

Mr. Hossein,

On 7 January 2011, Kimcot Inc. (Kimcot) completed the requirements to register as a proposed Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC). Based on the information provided, Kimcot meets the requirements to be placed on the proposed CLEC list and is hereby authorized to:

You will find a description of the requirements for registration as a full CLEC at the following link, which summarizes the CLEC obligations defined in Decision 97-8:

Kimcot is reminded that in order to remain on any Facilities-Based registration list(s), it must comply with the appropriate regulatory regime and complete the following forms in the Data Collection System (DCS) on an annual basis:

The registered entity must also keep any information in its Basic International Telecommunications Services (BITS) license application current.

Failure to comply with any of the above noted statutory requirements will result in the revocation of Kimcot’s authority to provide service and removal from the CRTC’s registration list(s).

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Paul Godin
Director General - Industry and Market Analysis

c.c.:  Garth Steele, Central Fund Administrator
J.R. Sarrazin, President of the Canadian LNP Consortium Inc.
S. Whitehead, Secretary of the Central Fund Administration Consortium
Glenn Pilley, Canadian Numbering Administrator
Gary Jessop, Canadian Numbering Consortium Inc.
David Mah, Associate Director, Regulatory Affairs, Bell Canada

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