ARCHIVED - Procedural Letter

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Ottawa, 16 December 2011

Mr. Ross Kentner
General Manager
Bayshore Broadcasting Corporation
270 9th Street East
Owen Sound, Ontario
N4K 5P5

Sent by E-mail:<

Dear Mr. Kentner:

This is in reference to your letter dated 15 December 2011 in which you request that Frank Torres (OBCI)’s (Torres) 28 November 2011 final written comments submitted following the appearing phase of the 21 November 2011 public hearing in Blue Mountains (Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-427-3) be removed from the public record of that proceeding.

This is to advise that the Commission hereby denies your request to have Torres’ 28 November 2011 written comments excluded from the public record. However, the Commission has decided to allow you to file a response to Torres’ written comments. Your response should be filed with the Commission by no later than 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, 20 December 2011. Please note that your response will be placed on the public file of this proceeding.


Original signed by

John Traversy,
Secretary General

c.c. Frank Torres OBCI –
Michael Fockler –

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