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Ottawa, 12 August 2011

By email:

Mr. Jocelyn Côté
Senior Vice-President, Regulatory and Government Affairs
Astral Media Inc.
1800 McGill College Avenue
Suite 2700
Montreal, Quebec H3A 3J6

Subject: Additional information in relation to application 2011-0483-5 – Renewal of some television licences of Astral Media Inc.  

Dear Mr. Côté:

In a clarification letter sent by email on 20 July 2011, Commission staff requested information in addition to that provided by Astral on 6 July 2011 in its renewal letter.

In its reply of 2 August 2011, Astral does not answer the financial questions concerning the annual income and expenditures forecast for each year of the next licence term for each of its general-interest, specialty and pay services. The Commission reminds you that no decision has as yet been made regarding whether to consider renewals for ownership groups of broadcasters in French-language markets. Also, Astral introduces a new concept—that of bilingual ownership group designation—in its application.

In view of the foregoing, the Commission is of the view that the financial information requested in its letter of 20 July 2011 are necessary for the review of your file. Specifically, the Commission requests that Astral provide the individual projections for each of its general-interest, specialty and pay services, using the enclosed document. Please note that the tabs in the document for financial summaries and programming expenditures must be duly completed. If this information is not received, your licence renewal applications could be declared incomplete and the analysis of your file could be suspended. The answers to these questions must be filed with the Commission no later than 18 August 2011.

Astral may designate some financial information as confidential, pursuant to Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin 2010-961 and sections 30 to 32 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure.

Please note that this letter will be placed in the public file.

Robert A. Morin
Secretary General

Encl.: Table in Excel format: Astral financial projections (2011-0483-5)

 “The Commission intends to discuss the most appropriate approach to take in regard to these issues in order to meet the objectives of the Act, as well as the relevant obligations for French-language conventional television broadcasters and the relevance of a group-based approach, at the above-mentioned hearings.” Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-167, paragraph 114.


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