ARCHIVED - Procedural letter

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Ottawa, 21 July 2011

By E-mail:

Dear Ms. Kirshenblatt:

Re: 2011-1109-6: Application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to amend the licence of the English-language television programming undertaking CBLT-TV Toronto, Ontario

In Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2007-53, the Commission set the 31 August 2011 digital transition deadline.  On 20 July 2011, the Corporation submitted an application related to the 31 August 2011 deadline.  In light of the limited time available until the deadline to transition to digital, the Commission varies the process and abbreviates the timelines with respect to the above noted application.

Accordingly, the timelines for the process are as follows:

Notice Number


Posted Date


Part 1

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


Amendment of a transmitter


Kitchener, Ontario





21 July 2011

Intervention period - 29 July 2011


Reply period – 1 August 2011

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by Noah Moser
Senior Engineer, Multiplatform Technology

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