ARCHIVED - Procedural letter

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Ottawa, 29 June 2011

Alain Pineau
National Director
Canadian Conference of the Arts/Conférence canadienne des arts

Sent via email:

Subject: Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-379, Licence renewals for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s French- and English-language services

Our reference: 539028

Dear Mr. Pineau:

This is in reply to your letter of 23 June 2011, in which you seek an extension to the deadline for the filing of interventions/answers in relation to Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2011-379, Licence renewals for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s French- and English-language services. You propose a revised due date of 2 August 2011.

Given the Commission’s scheduling constraints, it is essential that interested parties submit their interventions/answers in response to Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2011-379 by not later than 18 July 2011.  Please note that your request and this letter will be added to the public file of the above-noted proceeding.


(original signed by John Keogh)

Robert A. Morin
Secretary General

c.c.: Mr. Hubert Lacroix, President, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

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