ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-737-1
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Additional reference: 2011-737
Ottawa, 22 February 2012
Bell Canada
Hamilton/Niagara, Kingston, Kitchener, London, Oshawa, Ottawa, Peterborough, Stratford, Toronto, Windsor and their surrounding areas, Ontario
Drummondville (region of Centre-du-Québec), Gatineau, Joliette (region of Lanaudière), Montréal, Québec, Saint-Jérôme (region of Laurentides), Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières (region of Mauricie) and their surrounding areas, Quebec
Applications 2011-0186-5 and 2011-0203-7, received 1 February 2011
Regional broadcasting licences for terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertakings serving various communities in Ontario and Quebec – Licence renewals and amendments – Correction
1. The Commission hereby corrects the appendix to Regional broadcasting licences for terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertakings serving various communities in Ontario and Quebec – Licence renewals and amendments, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-737, 30 November 2011, by replacing paragraph 2 of the sections Conditions of license applicable to all licensed areas in Ontario and Conditions of license applicable to all licensed areas in Quebec of that appendix with the following:
2. For the purpose of sections 34(2) and 34(3) of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations, the licensee’s annual contribution to a community programming undertaking that is licensed in a licensed area shall be calculated on the basis of the licensee’s gross revenues derived from broadcasting activities in that licensed area in each broadcast year.
Secretary General
*This decision is to be appended to the licence.
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