ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-726-1
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Additional reference: 2011-726
Ottawa, 17 January 2012
Cogeco Diffusion Acquisitions inc.
Montréal, Quebec
Public hearing in the National Capital Region
17 May 2011
Complaint regarding the broadcast of French-language vocal music by CKOI-FM Montréal – Correction
1. In Broadcasting Decision 2011-726, the Commission indicated that the name of the licensee of CKOI-FM Montréal is Cogeco Inc. (Cogeco).
2. The Commission notes that when the Association québécoise de l’industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo (ADISQ) filed its complaint on 17 December 2010, the name of the licensee of CKOI-FM was Metromedia CMR Broadcasting Inc. (Metromedia). On the same day, in Broadcasting Decision 2010-942, the Commission approved the transfer of the effective control of Metromedia and 591991 B.C. Ltd. to Cogeco. Finally, on 29 August 2011, Metromedia, 7953623 Canada Inc. (formerly 591991 B.C. Ltd.) and Cogeco Diffusion Acquisitions inc. amalgamated to continue as Cogeco Diffusion Acquisitions inc.
3. Consequently, the Commission corrects Broadcasting Decision 2011-726 as follows:
by replacing “Cogeco Inc.” with “Cogeco Diffusion Acquisitions inc.” in the decision’s header;
by replacing “Cogeco Inc.” with “the licensee of CKOI-FM” in the summary to the decision;
by replacing the last sentence of paragraph 1 with the following sentence:
The complaint filed by ADISQ and the reply by Cogeco Inc. (Cogeco), on behalf of Metromedia CMR Broadcasting Inc. (Metromedia) have been placed on the public record of this proceeding.
by replacing “Cogeco” with “Cogeco, on behalf of Metromedia” in paragraphs 17 and 18; and
by replacing “Cogeco” with “the licensee” in paragraphs 5, 9, 20, 21 and 22.
Secretary General
Related documents
Complaint regarding the broadcast of French-language vocal music by CKOI-FM Montréal, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-726, 24 November 2011
Transfer of effective control of various commercial radio programming undertakings from Corus Entertainment Inc. to Cogeco inc., Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2010-942, 17 December 2010
*This decision is to be appended to the licence.
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