ARCHIVED - Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-432
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Ottawa, 20 July 2011
CISC consensus report – Changes to the relief implementation plan and schedule for area code 819 in Quebec
File number: 8698-C12-200908056
1. On 10 June 2011, the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee ad hoc relief planning committee for area code 819 (the 819 RPC) submitted the following consensus report and associated Relief Implementation Plan for Commission approval:
- Relief Planning Committee (RPC) Recommendation for the revised NPA [numbering plan area] 819 Relief Implementation Plan, 27 May 2011 (819RE2A)
2. The consensus report can be found under the heading “Reports” on the 10 June 2011 CISC meeting agenda, which is available on the Commission’s website at
3. In its consensus report, the 819 RPC
a) noted that area code 819 has entered into a jeopardy condition[1] and that the projected exhaust date has moved up to September 2012;
b) recommended that the relief implementation date established in Code relief for area code 819 in Quebec, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-94, 17 February 2010, be changed from 1 June 2013 to 15 September 2012;
c) noted that, to prevent area code 819 from exhausting prior to September 2012, it had agreed that the Canadian Numbering Administrator should limit the assignment of central office (CO) codes according to carriers’ 28 April 2011 input for the April 2011 jeopardy numbering resource utilization forecast; and
d) recommended that the revised Relief Implementation Schedule set out in Section 4 of the consensus report be approved.
4. The Commission agrees that the relief implementation date should be changed to 15 September 2012.
5. The Commission also agrees that the assignment of CO codes should be limited to carriers’ 28 April 2011 input for the April 2011 jeopardy numbering resource utilization forecast, to ensure that area code 819 does not exhaust prior to September 2012.
6. The Commission has reviewed and approves the above-noted consensus report and associated Relief Implementation Plan.
Secretary General
[1] According to the Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guidelines, a jeopardy condition is declared when the forecast and/or actual demand for central office (CO) codes exceeds the available supply of CO codes before relief is implemented, or the implementation time frame is shorter than 36 months and no relief plan is yet in place.
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