Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-418
Ottawa, 12 July 2011
Area code 306 Jeopardy Contingency Plan
File number: 8698-C12-201106790
1. In Establishment of a CISC ad hoc committee for relief planning for area code 306 in Saskatchewan, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-260, 19 April 2011, the Commission announced the establishment of a CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) ad hoc relief planning committee for area code 306 (the 306 RPC). Due to the severe jeopardy condition in the area served by area code 306, the Commission also directed the 306 RPC to develop a jeopardy contingency plan (JCP) specific to area code 306 for Commission approval.
2. On 14 June 2011, the 306 RPC submitted the following area code 306-specific JCP for Commission approval:
- Relief Planning Committee (RPC) Recommendation for the NPA 306 Jeopardy Contingency Plan
3. In its JCP, the 306 RPC noted that the measures included in the plan should result in a projected exhaust date of August 2013 for area code 306.
4. The Commission has reviewed the JCP and notes that one of the measures being introduced is that the Canadian Numbering Administrator’s (CNA) central office (CO) code assignments to carriers will not exceed the CO code quantities that each carrier submitted to the CNA for the April 2011 area code 306 jeopardy numbering resource utilization forecast.
5. Accordingly, the Commission approves the JCP, which is set out in Appendix 1 of this decision.
Secretary General
Jeopardy Contingency Plan (JCP)
14 June 2011
The RPC has developed the following JCP for submission to the Commission as a standalone document in accordance with Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-260. This JCP will also be included in the PD for NPA 306. This JCP is based on the example contained in Appendix F to the Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guideline and contains additional CO Code Conservation Measures.
This JCP shall remain in effect until either the Jeopardy Condition is suspended or sixty-six (66) days before the Relief Date.
During a Jeopardy Condition, CO Code Applicants shall submit all CO Code applications and related correspondence for the Jeopardy NPA to CRTC staff in addition to the CNA.
In Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-260 the Commission directed that any CO Code application to the CNA be accompanied by a letter, on company letterhead and signed by a company officer, justifying the request and certifying that the requested CO Code will be in service within four (4) months of the date of that application.
During a Jeopardy Condition, the CNA shall only assign CO Codes from the exhausting NPA to a CO Code Applicant upon approval of CRTC staff.
The following measures shall be implemented by all CO Code Holders in NPA 306 when this JCP is approved by the CRTC and while a Jeopardy Condition is in effect.
1) CO Code assignments per Carrier will not exceed the quantities that each Carrier has submitted to the CNA for the April 2011 J-NRUF for NPA 306.
2) Carriers and/or Telecommunications Service Providers (TSPs):
a) shall age disconnected residential and wireless telephone numbers for a maximum of two (2) months;
b) shall age disconnected business telephone numbers for a maximum of six (6) months. Under special circumstances, the six (6) month aging limit for business telephone numbers may be extended to twelve (12) months if required to accommodate local directory publishing dates for high volume call-in applications (e.g., heavily advertised local business numbers such as radio talk shows, food ordering services, ticket sales, chat lines), or for numbers associated with public service emergency applications or for numbers advertised in directories for which customers have requested reference of calls;
c) shall return all CO Codes that are not being used nor intended to be used to directly serve customers to the assignment pool within two (2) months (e.g., plant test codes);
d) should work towards, and encourage existing customers, to either activate or return the reserved numbers in order to bring the reserved quantity down to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the quantity of numbers In-service for that customer;
e) shall not allow the quantity of reserved numbers to be increased by new reservation requests by existing customers to more than ten percent (10%) of the quantity of numbers in service for that customer. In the case of new customers, number reservations shall be limited to ten percent (10%) of the total quantity of telephone numbers being placed into service for that customer;
f) shall, within forty-five (45) days from the date that the CNA declares a Jeopardy Condition submit a Part 1 Form for each remaining reserved CO Code either returning the reserved CO Code to the CNA or requesting assignment of the reserved CO Code. Once the forty-five (45) day period has elapsed, the CNA shall make available for general assignment all CO Codes that are still reserved and have not been applied for as assignments on a Part 1 Form received by the CNA. Within sixty (60) days from the date that the CNA declares a Jeopardy Condition, the CNA shall report to CRTC staff and the RPC as to how many of these codes have been assigned or made available for general assignment;
g) shall not be permitted to obtain a new CO Code reservation;
h) shall place all CO Codes assigned prior to the Jeopardy Condition being declared In-Service within three (3) months of the effective date for CO Code activation in the network, or within three (3) months of the date that the Jeopardy Condition was declared. If the CO Code is an Initial Code and the CO Code Holder can demonstrate that, due to circumstances beyond its control, the In-service date has been delayed beyond the applicable timeframe, then the CNA may grant an extension of up to two (2) months to the In-service date. The CNA shall initiate reclamation procedures for all CO Codes that have not been placed In-service within these timeframes unless CRTC staff approves a further extension.
3) For new applications for Initial Codes, each CO Code Holder shall certify that the CO Code will be activated in the network and placed In-service within four (4) months of the date of application for the code. If the CNA does not receive a Part 4 Form within this timeframe, confirming that the CO Code has been placed In-service, the CNA will initiate reclamation measures. If the CO Code Holder can demonstrate that, due to circumstances beyond its control, the In-service date has been delayed not more than six (6) months from the original application date, and then the CNA may grant an extension to the In-service date, so long as the In-service date is not more than six (6) months beyond the original application date. If the In-service date has been delayed more than six (6) months from the original application date, then the CNA shall reclaim the CO Code unless CRTC staff approves a further extension.
4) When applying for an Additional Code for Growth, a CO Code Holder who is submitting a Part 1 Form and Appendix B worksheet shall also submit a completed Supplementary Form for a Growth CO Code Application (attached) which certifies and/or provides the following information for the specific switching entity/POI and Exchange Area when the growth CO Code is being requested in a Jeopardy Condition:
a) certification that all held telephone numbers have been released;
b) certification that reserved numbers do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total quantity of numbers as defined in Appendix G of the Canadian CO Code (NXX) Assignment Guideline;
c) certification that each reseller/dealer had been advised of the Jeopardy Condition and the requirement that they would only be allocated additional numbers during the Jeopardy Condition on the provision to the CO Code Holder of written confirmation that their number inventory has been reduced to an amount less than two (2) times the highest quantity of customer numbers assigned in any month during the previous twelve (12) months. Additional numbering resources will only be provided by the CO Code Holder to the reseller/dealer to the extent that the reseller's/dealer's inventory can only increase up to a maximum of three (3) months' inventory;
d) confirmation that the Part 1 Form submitted with the application has the Jeopardy Condition box in section 1.6 checked to certify that the existing CO Codes are projected to exhaust within four (4) months of the date of application or within the period specified within an approved JCP, and that the months-to-exhaust is documented on an Appendix B submitted to the CNA;
e) a completed Telephone Number Utilization Report;
f) confirmation that the requested Growth CO Code was forecasted in the April 2011 J-NRUF or an explanation as to why it was not is attached; and
g) confirmation that the requested Growth CO Code will be placed In-service within four (4) months of the date of assignment.
In Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-260 it was specified that the Telephone Number Utilization Report Form (see item 4e) above) is to be signed by both a company officer and the company's Authorized Representative.
5) Any CO Codes for growth assigned after the implementation of this JCP must be activated in the network and placed In-service within four (4) months of assignment. In the event that a CO Code Holder is unable to place the CO Code In-service within four (4) months of the date of assignment, the CO Code Holder must submit a written request for extension to the CNA. Such written requests must include documentation explaining the reason(s) for the missed date and proposing the new In-Service date. If the explanation includes reasons beyond the control of the CO Code Holder, the CNA may extend the In-service date a maximum of one (1) month. If the CO Code Holder does not place the CO Code In-service within the one (1) month extension, the CNA shall reclaim the CO Code immediately at the end of the one (1) month extension unless CRTC staff approves a further extension.
6) A Carrier that has multiple switching entities within an Exchange Area shall examine the possibility of, and implement where feasible, number sharing between those switches as a potential method to delay requirements for additional CO Codes.
7) The CNA will request two versions of the J-NRUF input from all current and prospective CO Code Holders quarterly until three (3) months before relief is provided. The forecasted quantities in Version 1 should be the same as or lower than the April 2011 J-NRUF input submitted by CO Code Holders for the period up to the Relief Date. CO Code Holder forecasts may reflect an increase in demand in the period subsequent to the Relief Date. Version 2 will reflect the actual demand required by the CO Code Holder's current business plan and will be provided for information purposes only.
8) The CNA will compare the initial April 2011 J-NRUF input to the recent NRUF inputs, in order to assess forecasting trends. The CNA shall monitor all inputs and shall test them for reasonableness in consultation with the Carrier. If the CNA is dissatisfied with the reasonableness, or the rationale provided for the deviations, then the matter will be referred to CRTC staff.
9) A CO Code Applicant must have submitted a completed J-NRUF to the CNA before the CNA may assign a CO Code to that CO Code Applicant.
10) CO Code Applicants shall submit all CO Code applications and related correspondence for the Jeopardy NPA to CRTC staff in addition to the CNA. When a CO Code Applicant requests more CO Codes or otherwise deviates from their April 2011 J-NRUF forecast, the CNA will advise CRTC staff if the changes impact the Projected Exhaust Date.
11) The CO Codes identified in the NPA CO Code Inventory Chart as “Assignable CO Codes in a Jeopardy Condition” will be assigned in the order determined by the RPC after all CO Codes which are Available for Assignment have been assigned.
12) After each J-NRUF, the CNA shall provide CRTC staff and the RPC participants with a report providing an updated NPA CO Code Inventory Chart for the area code in jeopardy as well as the aggregate results of the most recent J-NRUF.
13) Exceptional issues or concerns may be referred by the CNA, or by individual entities (with a courtesy copy to the CNA), to CRTC staff for resolution.
14) In a situation where the Relief Date is on or after the PED, the quantity of CO Codes that may be assigned to a CO Code Applicant prior to the end of the Jeopardy Condition (i.e., sixty-six (66) days prior to the Relief Date) shall be limited to the quantity forecasted by the CO Code Applicant in the April 2011 J-NRUF forecast. When making requests to obtain CO Codes prior to the end of the Jeopardy Condition (i.e., sixty-six (66) days prior to the Relief Date), the CO Code Applicant may change the Exchange Area or the month when the CO Code assignment is required, provided a new J-NRUF and explanation accompanies the application. The control imposed by this option may be relaxed if subsequent J-NRUFs defer the PED to after the Relief Date. CO Codes that become available for assignment due to future reduced demand from other current and prospective CO Code Holders may be assigned at the discretion of CRTC staff.
15) If the CNA determines that the implementation of the JCP has not extended the Projected Exhaust Date of the NPA beyond the Relief Date, due to the introduction of New Entrants, the CNA will consult with CRTC staff and further CO Code conservation and assignment procedures may be ordered by the Commission (e.g., rationing, lottery, etc.). A New Entrant is an entity who, at the time of their first request for assignment of CO Code(s) in an NPA, does not provide any telecommunications services and does not hold any CO Codes within the boundaries of the NPA.
16) The RPC has set aside eight (8) CO Codes from the pool of CO Codes assignable in a Jeopardy Condition to be used for New Entrants prior to relief.
17) In Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-260 the Commission directed the NPA 306 RPC to set aside three (3) CO Codes from area code 306 to be made available for New Entrants only, and to ensure that those CO Codes remain unassigned, other than to New Entrants, for a period of two (2) years after the introduction of the new area code in Saskatchewan.
18) When a Jeopardy Condition is in effect and, if all other available CO Codes in the exhausting NPA have been assigned, then CRTC staff may make some or all of the eleven (11) set-aside CO Codes available for assignment.
Supplementary form for a Growth CO Code Application – Page 1 of 2 – Telephone Number Utilization Report
This form is required with each request for an Additional Code for Growth in an NPA where a Jeopardy Condition is in effect. It should be submitted to the CNA together with the Part 1 and Appendix B forms that are required for an application for an Additional Code for Growth. See the Part 1 form for information on how and where to submit the form.
I hereby certify that the following information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and has been prepared in accordance with Special Conservation Procedures for a Jeopardy Condition contained in the Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guideline or the applicable approved Jeopardy Contingency Plan.
Name & Signature of Authorized Representative of Code Holder Title Date
Name & Signature of Company Officer (see item 4 of this JCP) Title Date
Contact information: Entity Name: __________________ Contact Name: _____________
Address: __________________ City, Province, Postal Code: _____________
Telephone: __________________ Facsimile: _____________
E-mail: __________________
Switch Identification (Switching Entity/POI) CLLI: _______________ Exchange Area: ________________
For the above Switch Identification and Exchange Area for which a Growth CO Code is requested:
( ) I certify that all held telephone numbers have been released
( ) I certify the total quantity of reserved numbers does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total quantity of telephone numbers as defined in Appendix G of the Canadian CO Code (NXX) Assignment Guideline
( ) I certify that each reseller/dealer has been advised of the Jeopardy Condition and the requirement that they would only be allocated additional numbers during the Jeopardy Condition on the provision to the CO Code Holder of written confirmation that their number inventory has been reduced to an amount less than two (2) times the highest quantity of customer numbers assigned in any month during the previous twelve (12) months. Additional numbering resources will only be provided by the CO Code Holder to the reseller/dealer to the extent that the reseller's/dealer's inventory can only increase up to a maximum of three months' inventory.
( ) The Part 1 form submitted with the application has the Jeopardy Condition box in section 6 checked (this certifies that the existing CO Codes are projected to exhaust within four (4) months of the date of the application or within the period specified in an approved Jeopardy Contingency Plan, and that the months-to-exhaust is documented on an Appendix B submitted to the CNA).
( ) The Telephone Number Utilization Report on page 2 of this form has been completed.
( ) The requested Growth CO Code was forecasted in the most recent NRUF, or an explanation as to why it was not is attached.
( ) The requested Growth CO Code will be placed In-Service within four (4) months of the date of assignment.
Supplementary form for a Growth CO Code Application - Page 2 of 2 - Telephone Number Utilization Report
(Note: if the spreadsheet below does not show on your display, please change the Word view to “Print Layout” or “Reading Layout”)
Remarks: ____________________________________________________________________________________
NPA 306 CO Code Inventory Chart
The following chart and the instructions it contains will apply in NPA 306 in a Jeopardy Condition.
The chart shown below lists quantities of CO Codes unassignable prior to a Jeopardy Condition, CO Codes that become assignable in a Jeopardy Condition, and CO Codes in NPA 306 assigned and In-service as of 14 June 2011. For an Overlay option it identifies thirty three (33) CO Codes that are unassignable prior to a Jeopardy Condition, thirteen (13) of which become assignable in a Jeopardy Condition. The CO Codes that become assignable in a Jeopardy Condition shall only be made available for assignment when all other available CO Codes have been assigned. The types of CO Codes that become assignable in a Jeopardy Condition should be made available in the same order as listed in the chart.
| Quantity |
A | Total CO Codes in NPAs 306 (NXX format) | 800 |
B | CO Codes unassignable prior to a Jeopardy Condition |
N11 Service Codes (211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, 811, 911) | 8 | |
Special Use Codes (555, 950 & 976) | 3 | |
Home NPA Code(s) (306) | 1 | |
Current Neighbouring NPA Codes (204, 403, 431 – See Note 2) | 3 | |
Future Geographic NPA Codes (437, 474, 568, 639, 851, 871, 879, 942 – See Note 3) | 8 | |
Plant Test Codes (958 & 959) | 2 | |
Special 7-digit Dialling Codes (610 & 810) | 2 | |
CO Codes set aside for Initial Codes for New Entrants only (Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-260) |
3 | |
9-1-1 Misdial Codes (912, 914 & 915) | 3 | |
Total B | 33 | |
C | CO Codes assignable prior to a Jeopardy Condition (C=A-B) | 767 |
D | CO Codes unassignable prior to a Jeopardy Condition that become assignable in a Jeopardy Condition: |
911 Misdial Codes (912, 914 & 915) | 3 | |
Current Neighbouring NPA Codes (assign CO Code 403 in the eastern portion of NPA 306 and assign CO Codes 204 and 431 in the western portion of NPA 306) | 3 | |
Future Canadian Geographic NPA Codes (437, 474, 568, 851, 871, 879, 942 – See Note 3) | 7 | |
Total D | 13 | |
E | CO Codes set aside for New Entrants recommended by RPC (912, 914, 915, 403, 204, 431, 437, 942) | 8 |
F | CO Codes unassignable prior to a Jeopardy Condition that become assignable in a Jeopardy Condition (F=D-E) | 5 |
G | Assignable CO Codes in a Jeopardy Condition (G=C+F) | 772 |
H | Assigned CO Codes as of 14 June 2011 | 701 |
I | Net CO Codes available for assignment as of 14 June 2011 without a Jeopardy Condition (I=C-H) | 66 |
J | Net CO Codes available for assignment as of 14 June 2011 in a Jeopardy Condition (J=F+I) | 71 |
1. 21 of the 29 CO Codes corresponding to Future Canadian Geographic NPA Codes are already assigned, in-service, or available for assignment in NPA 306 leaving 8 CO Codes as currently unavailable for assignment.
2. CO Codes 406, 587, 780 and 867 are already assigned as CO Codes in NPA 306. CO Codes 701 and 926 are available for assignment outside the North Portal EAS.
3. CO Codes for New Entrants recommended by RPC should be assigned from the pool in the following order: 912, 914, 915, 403, 204, 431, 437 and 942
4. CO Codes 474, 568, 851, 871, 879 are available for assignment as a last resort in NPA 306.
5. CO Code 639 should remain unassignable as it is the recommended Relief NPA.
- Date modified: