ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-235
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Ottawa, 8 April 2011
Westman Media Cooperative Ltd.
Brandon, Minnedosa, Neepawa and Carberry, Manitoba
Application 2011-0497-6, received 17 March 2011
Revocation of licence
1. Westman Media Cooperative Ltd (Westman) has requested the revocation of its broadcasting licence for its regional video-on-demand service authorized to serve the regions of Brandon, Minnedosa, Neepawa and Carberry, Manitoba.
2. Westman confirmed its eligibility for exemption in accordance with Exemption order for small video-on-demand undertakings, Broadcasting Order CRTC 2011-60, 31 January 2011 (Broadcasting Order 2011-60).
3. Given the licensee’s request, the Commission revokes, pursuant to Broadcasting Order 2011-60, the broadcasting licence issued to Westman for the aforementioned undertaking.
4. The Commission reminds the operator of the undertaking that it must, at all times, comply with the criteria set out in the appendix to Broadcasting Order 2011-60.
Secretary General
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