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Ottawa, 7 December 2010

Our ref.: 8740-L24-201017111


Mr. Jacques Perron
Director General
Coopérative de câblodistribution de l'Arrière-Pays
20860 Boul. Henri-Bourassa
Quebec City, QC
G2N 1P7

Re: Tariff Notice 3

Dear Mr. Perron:

On 25 November 2010, the Commission received an application from Coopérative de câblodistribution de l'Arrière-Pays (CCAP), Tariff Notice 3, seeking to amend the company’s General Tariff. CCAP indicated that it was filing the application in order to comply with the Commission’s determinations in Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada – Proposed revision to the treatment of imbalance traffic compensation – Telecom Decision 2010-787, 25 October 2010.

Staff notes that CCAP uses the services of Videotron Ltd. to deliver its local services. Staff further notes that CCAP’s carrier access tariff provides that interconnections with local exchange carriers are made in accordance with the Videotron Ltd. CLEC tariff, Part B. Since amendments to Part B of Videotron’s CLEC tariff also apply to CCAP, the company was not required to amend its carrier access tariff.

Consequently, this matter is closed.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc: Sylvie Labbé, CRTC, (819) 819-953-9683,
Vidéotron ltée,


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