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Ottawa, 29 November 2010
File Nos.: 8740-G23-201017070
Mr. Joe Boutros
Globility Communications Corporation
5343 Dundas Street West
Suite 108
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6K5
Dear Sir:
RE: Globility Communications Corporation Tariff Notice 15
On 24 November 2010, the Commission received an application by Globility Communications Corporation (Globility) under cover of Tariff Notice 15 proposing changes to its General Tariff. Globility submitted that it was filing the proposed tariff to reflect the Commission’s determinations in Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada – Proposed revision to the treatment of imbalance traffic compensation, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-787, 25 October 2010.
In the Decision, the Commission directed Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (the Bell companies) and all CLECs providing service in the Bell companies’ operating territories to issue revised tariff pages within 30 days of the date of the decision to reflect the determinations of the decision. These revisions are to come into effect 30 days after the revised pages are issued. Accordingly, Commission approval of the tariff changes is not required.
The tariff changes that Globility is required to implement are reflected in Item 201.1, Termination of Intra-exchange or Intra-LIR Traffic of the CLEC Model Tariff version 33, which can be found on the CRTC website at
In light of the above, this application is closed.
Yours sincerely,
‘Original signed by S. Bédard’
Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs
c: Christine Bailey, CRTC, (819) 997-4557,
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