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Ottawa, 22 November 2010

Our Reference: 8740-B20-201014886


Mr. David Palmer
Director, Regulatory Matters
Bell Canada
160 Elgin St, 19th Floor
Ottawa Ontario
K2P 2C4

Dear Mr. Palmer:

Re: Bell Canada NST Tariff Notice 907

The Commission received an application by Bell Canada, dated 17 September 2010, in which the company proposed a revision to National Services Tariff Item 301 – Digital Network Access (DNA) Service in order to clarify the use of DNA access and transport components.

Commission staff notes that the application raises issues with regards to terms and conditions under which the company provisions its Competitor Digital Network Services and, therefore, the Commission will be unable to dispose of the company’s application within 45 business days from the date of filing.

The Commission expects to render its decision on the company’s application by the end of January 2011.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by S. Bédard’

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc: Alexander Adeyinka, Rogers, (416) 935-6590,
Teresa Griffin-Muir, MTS Allstream, (613) 688-8303,
Joseph Cabrera, CRTC, (819) 934-6352,

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