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Ottawa, 27 October 2010

Our Reference:  8638-C12-200512964


Mr. Peter Russo
Chief Financial Officer
Y-Max Communications Corporation and magicJack LP
P.O. Box 6785
West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Dear Mr. Russo:

Re: Follow-up – Provision of 9-1-1 service for customers in Canada

On 17 September 2010, Commission staff issued a letter to magicJack LP (magicJack) regarding the absence of 9-1-1 service to its Canadian customers.  Accordingly, magicJack was required to:

1. implement 9-1-1 service in Canada by 15 October 2010 in accordance with the   Commission’s requirements;

2. implement the customer notification requirements in Telecom Decision 2005-61 by 15 October 2010;

Further, the company was to provide to the Commission, within 10 business days:

3. details of its 9-1-1 implementation plan, including information on network infrastructure, routing and which 9-1-1 answering bureaus / third-party call centres it intends to use to provide 9-1-1 service, as well as implementation milestones;

4. identify which local exchange carriers (LECs) and/or local service providers currently provide magicJack with network resources and Canadian telephone numbers to allow it to offer service in Canada.

On 1 October 2010, Goodmans LLP, as the representative of magicJack LP, responded to all of the above-noted requirements including that magicJack was on track to implement 9-1-1 service in Canada by the 15 October 2010.

By way of  follow-up regarding the implementation of 9-1-1 service to its Canadian customers, magicJack is to:

1. confirm that 9-1-1 service for its Canadian customers was implemented 15 October;

2. confirm that the customer notification requirements in Telecom Decision 2005-61, the customer notification text for which was approved by Commission staff for magicJack 10 September 2009, was implemented on 15 October 2010; and

3. update its website, and confirm that it has done so, to reflect the approved customer notification text referenced above, and specify therein that 9-1-1 service is now provided to Canadian customers.

Accordingly, magicJack is to rely with respect to the above-noted requirements no later than 7 calendar days from the date of this letter.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by S. Bédard’

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc: Dem Magmanlac, CRTC (819) 953-6638
Jamie Baillie:
Michael Koch:

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