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Our reference: 8180-T66-201012500

Ottawa, 22 September 2010


Tom Woo
TELUS Communications Company
Floor 21 - 10020 - 100 Street
Edmonton, AB, T5J 0N5

RE: TELUS Communications Company - Notice of CLEC Expansion

On 30 June 2010, TELUS Communications Company wrote to the Commission requesting permission to expand as a CLEC into additional exchanges.

Based on the information provided, in addition to previously approved exchanges, TELUS Communications Company is permitted to operate as a CLEC in the exchanges below. TELUS Communications Company is reminded that it must continue to meet the requirements in Telecom Decision 97-8 and the Canadian ownership and control requirements set out in section 16 of the Telecommunications Act and in the associated regulations.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Langille
Manager, Data Collection and Systems

c.c.:          Garth Steele, Central Fund Administrator

J.R. Sarrazin, President of the Canadian LNP Consoritum Inc.

S. Whitehead, Secretary of the Central Fund Administration Consortium

Glenn Pilley, Canadian Numbering Administrator

Gary Jessop, Canadian Numbering Consortium Inc.

David Mah, Bell Canada



Proposed date

In service date


South Pickering




Bell Canada





Bell Canada


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