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Ottawa, 11 August 2010

File Ref.:  8640-T66-201012137


Mr. Ted Woodhead
Vice president, Telecom Policy and Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Company
215 Slater Street, Suite 800
Ottawa ON  K1P 0A6 

Dear Mr. Woodhead:

Re: Part VII application for forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services in Alberta and British Columbia

The Commission is in receipt of the above-mentioned Part VII application by TELUS Communications Company (TCC) dated 30 July 2010.  In its application, TCC proposed that interested parties file their comments within 30 days instead of the standard 20 days.

The request for this extension is granted.  Interested parties may file their comments by
30 August 2010 and TCC may file its reply by 7 September 2010.

Where a document is to be filed by a specific date, the document must be actually received, and not merely sent, by that date.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Director, Competition Implementation and Technology

cc:    Donald Woodford, Bell Canada
Teresa Griffin-Muir, MTS Allstream Inc.
Jean Brazeau, Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. 

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