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Ottawa, 13 July 2010

Our Reference: 8662-B54-201011113


To: Distribution List

Re: Bell Aliant and Bell Canada - Review and Vary Application of Decision 2010-323, TekSavvy Solutions Inc. and Yak Home Phone Corp. – Application for Relief Regarding Wholesale Local Service and Features

On 8 July 2010, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) filed a Part VII application with the Commission, pursuant to the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, requesting to review and vary (R&V) Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-323, TekSavvy Solutions Inc. and Yak Home Phone Corp. – Application for relief regarding Wholesale Local Service and Features (the WLSF Decision), dated 28 May 2010.  Concurrent with the R&V application, the Companies filed a tariff notice to amend the Companies’ WLSF tariff.

The Companies proposed that the Commission make the existing $50 credit found in section 4(d) of item 317 of their WLSF tariffs, interim immediately.  The Companies proposed an expedited process to deal with this interim request.

In the circumstances, the Companies’ request for an expedited process is considered reasonable.

Accordingly, the Respondents are required to file their comments on the Companies’ request for interim relief by 20 July 2010, and the Companies are required to file their reply by 23 July 2010.  The Respondents may file comments on the R&V application by
9 August 2010
, and the Companies may file their reply by 19 August 2010.

Documents to be filed and served in accordance with the above process are to be received, not merely sent, by the date indicated.  Copies of the documents should also be sent to the following email address:

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Director, Competition Implementation and Technology

Distribution List:

Date modified: