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Ottawa, 30 April 2010

File No.  8665-C12-201007229

By email

To.: The Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc. (the Agency)

Re: Review of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services

Pursuant to the procedures specified at paragraph 9 of Review of the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services, Telecom Notice of Consultation
CRTC 2010-247, 30 April 2010, attached are interrogatories addressed to the Agency. The Agency is requested to file its responses with the Commission, serving a copy on all interested parties, by 31 May 2010.  These responses are to be received, and not merely sent, by this date. 

Yours sincerely,


Martine Vallee
Director, Social and Consumer Policy

c.c.: Celia Millay, CRTC 819-934-1358



1. Membership  and governance

A. File a copy of the most recent version of the Agency’s constating documents, in both official languages, with the Commission for the public record of this proceeding, including: the Agency’s letters patent; Membership Agreement; Bylaws; and Procedural Code.

B. Has the Agency made any changes to its constating documents since these were last filed for Commission approval (in August 2008)?  If so, provide a summary of these changes as well as a copy of each of these documents with a mark-up of any such changes, explain the reason for the change, and why it was not filed with the CRTC for approval.


2. Mandate

A.   In order that the Agency’s 2009-2010 complaint data, which the Agency is to publish in its 2009-2010 annual report, may be available on the public record in a timely manner, the Agency is to provide this information to the Commission by 1 September 2010. Confirm that the Agency will do so.

B. In its 2008-2009 Annual Report, the Agency indicated that it:

I.  Provide a breakdown of the 17, 407 new contacts addressed in the 2008-2009 annual         report as follows:

    a) general inquiries or other non-complaint contacts

    b) complaints


II. Provide a breakdown of the new complaints received during 2008-2009 as follows:

    a) pending at initial handling stage (i.e. not yet opened by date of annual report)

    b) opened

    c) closed

    d) other (provide explanation)

C. Provide a breakdown of complaints received in 2008 and 2009 by carrier.

D. Provide a breakdown of complaints received in 2008 and 2009 by language.

3. Remedies

As per the Agency’s amended and restated membership agreement (July 2008), section 2.4 c) and as per section 6.1.6 of the Agency’s Procedural Code, the Agency’s Commissioner may award a complainant up to $5,000 per eligible complaint.

A.     Certain Agency decisions state that a TSP may provide compensation via credits to a complainant’s existing account. Provide an explanation of the rationale that is used to determine whether a remedy should take the form of cash or credit.

B.     What is the total amount that the Agency has awarded, to date, with respect to all eligible complaints received? Provide a breakdown of this total according to the stage in the Agency’s complaint resolution process at which the complaints were resolved (i.e. recommendations and decisions).

4. Other matters


A.   I.  Provide a status update on the Agency’s public awareness campaign.

      II.   Address whether the agency considers that its public awareness campaign has been successful. Explain how you measure the success of the campaign and provide evidence to support your position. Also, address whether you consider that the campaign has had equal results in English and French Canada.

B.  Address whether the Agency intends to make its decisions available on its website in both official languages and, if so, when.

C.  Address whether the Agency has received any complaints about the accessibility of the Agency from groups representing persons with disabilities and describe how these complaints have been handled.


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