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Ottawa, 25 March 2010


Our Reference:  8740-B2-201004126




Mr. David Palmer
Director – Regulatory Affairs
Bell Canada
160 Elgin Street, 19th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario  K2P 2C3


Dear Mr. Palmer:


RE:  Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7243 and Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 307 – Calling Features      


On 3 March 2010, the Commission received applications by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (the Companies), under cover of Tariff Notices 7243 and 307, respectively, in which the companies proposed modifications to their respective General Tariff – Item 2165, Calling Features, to explicitly reflect in the tariff that the Voice Dialing feature not be made available for resale.


The companies are requested to provide responses to the following additional interrogatories as set out in the Attachment by 12 April 2010.


Yours sincerely,


Original signed by


Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs


c.c.:  Joanne Baldassi, CRTC, (819) 997-4576,



1) In order to accommodate resale of the Voice Dialing feature, the Companies noted that they would be required to incur the expense associated with developing an online portal to allow resale customers to manage their contact lists, since the existing portal is not capable of differentiating among the multiple accounts that would be associated with a reseller’s customers. The Companies submitted that this would not be a cost-effective use of the funds in Bell Canada’s deferral account, or of the Companies’ scarce resources.

(a) Provide the steps that the Companies would have to undertake to develop the systems and processes associated with developing an online portal for resellers.

(b) Identify the resources associated with each of the steps involved in developing this portal.

(c) Provide an estimate of the portal development costs that would be incurred by the Companies.  Also provide a detailed description of how these costs were estimated along with supporting rationale.

2)  Are there any other factors that, in the Companies’ view, would make it difficult to make this service available for resale?

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