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Ottawa, 5 February 2010

Our Reference:  8646-C12-200815400



Mr. Michel Messier


Regulatory Affairs, Telecommunications

Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.

5 Place Ville Marie, Suite 915

Montréal, Québec  H3B 2G2


Dear Mr. Messier:


RE:  Follow up to Telecom Regulatory Policy 2009-657


In Telecom Regulatory Policy 2009-657, Review of the Internet traffic management practices of Internet service providers, 21 October 2009 (TRP 2009-657), the Commission determined that Internet service providers (ISPs) must disclose certain information to their retail customers regarding any technical Internet traffic management practices (ITMPs) that they apply to their retail Internet services.  Specifically, ISPs are required to disclose prominently on their web sites, the reasons for the ITMP, when the ITMP is applied, what Internet traffic is affected by the ITMP and the specific impact that the ITMP has on retail Internet speeds.


ISPs are also required to refer to their online disclosures in their marketing material, customer contracts and terms of service.

Commission staff has reviewed the information provided on Cogeco’s web site at  Based on its review, Commission staff considers that Cogeco is not in compliance with TRP 2009-657 because:


1. The links to the description of Cogeco’s ITMP are not sufficiently prominent on the Web pages that describe Cogeco’s Internet services.

2. The description of Cogeco’s ITMP does not indicate the specific impact of the ITMP on the upload speed of peer-to-peer applications.


In order to address these concerns, Cogeco is to:


1. Include direct links to Cogeco’s ITMP disclosure on each Web page where Internet services are listed and/or described.  The link, or the wording around the link, should clearly indicate that it leads to information related to Cogeco’s ITMP disclosure (e.g. “For information on Cogeco’s Internet traffic management practices, click here”.)

2. Modify the description of Cogeco’s ITMP to identify the specific impact on the upload speed of peer-to-peer applications.

Cogeco is to address these issues within thirty (30) days of its receipt of this letter.  Should there be any questions regarding this request, please call Joanne Baldassi at (819) 997-4576.


Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Paul Godin

Director General

Competition, Costing and Tariffs


c.c.:  Joanne Baldassi, CRTC, 819-997-4576

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