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Ottawa, 16 August 2010


To: Kevin Goldstein

Vice President, Regulatory Affairs

CTVglobemedia Inc.

299 Queen Street West

Toronto, Ontario

M5V 2Z5




Lists of interested parties


Re: Expedited Public Process to Resolve CTVglobemedia Inc.’s Request Concerning the LPIF Eligibility of its Regional Conventional Television Stations in Northern Ontario and Atlantic Canada


The Commission received letters dated May 27th and June 28th, 2010 from CTVglobemedia Inc. (“CTVgm”) requesting the Commission to reconsider its determination that six of CTVgm’s local television stations would only be partially eligible for support from the Local Programming Improvement Fund (LPIF).


CTVgm requested in a letter dated August 3rd, 2010 that the Commission initiate an expedited public process to deal with this matter. It proposed that both of its letters, dated May 27th and June 28th respectively, form the basis of CTVgm’s submission to the proposed process. It also proposed that interested parties, identified as the other recipients of LPIF monies, have ten days to provide comments from the date of this letter and CTVgm will then have two days to respond to any issues raised by the interested parties.


The Commission approves such a public process and is therefore requesting interested parties (see attached lists) to provide comments on issues raised by CTVgm to the Commission no later than August 26th, 2010, serving copies to CTVgm. CTVgm will then have until August 30th, 2010 to respond to issues raised by interested parties, serving copies to the parties.


Once all comments and responses are received, the Commission will make its final determination on this matter.




Robert A. Morin

Secretary General



c.LPIF Recipients (see Appendix A)

Contributing BDUs (see Appendix B)

CRTC website


August 3rd, 2010 CTVglobemedia Inc.  letter (Attached)



Appendix A

0859291 B.C. Ltd.

2190015 Ontario Inc (Channel Zero)

591987 B.C. Ltd. (Corus)

Astral Media Radio G.P.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Canwest Media Inc.

CHAU-TV Communications ltée

CKRT-TV ltée

CTVglobemedia inc.

TVA Group Inc.

Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Limited Partnership

Newcap Inc.

Newfoundland Broadcasting Company Limited


Rogers Broadcasting Limited

Télé Inter-Rives ltée

Télévision MBS inc.

Thunder Bay Electronics Limited

V Interactions inc.



Appendix B


Access Communications Co-operative Limited                

Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership

BCE Inc.

Bragg Communications Incorporated

CF Câble TV inc.                                          

Cogeco Câble Canada Inc.

Mountain Cablevision Limited                              

MTS Allstream Inc.                                        

Rogers Cable Communications Inc.                           

Saskatchewan Telecommunications                           

Shaw Cablesystems Limited                                 

TELUS Communications Company                              

Videon CableSystems Inc.                                   

Vidéotron ltée                                            


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