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Ottawa, 1 June 2010


Ms. Pamela Dinsmore

Vice President, Regulatory

Rogers Cable Communications Inc.

333 Bloor Street East, 9th Floor

Toronto, ON

M4W 1G9


Re: Progress Report of Rogers Cable Communications Inc. (Rogers) regarding Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2009-588


Dear Ms. Dinsmore:


This is in response to Rogers’ progress report which was filed with the Commission on 25 February 2010 regarding the implementation of the various measures that Rogers took to ensure that its marketing of Super Channel did not result in the service being subjected to an undue disadvantage, as had been found to be the case in the Commission Decision CRTC 2009-588 (the Decision).  Allarco Entertainment Inc. (Allarco) was given the opportunity to reply to the progress report and submitted its comments to the Commission on 17 March 2010 and 26 April 2010.  Rogers submitted additional comments on 12 April 2010.


It is noted that, as set out in the Decision, the Commission directed Rogers to file written documentation setting out the steps it would take to ensure that Super Channel would not be subjected to an undue disadvantage.  In a letter dated 19 October 2009, Rogers outlined the steps that it would take to ensure that requirements set out in the Decision were met.  On 2 December 2009, Commission staff indicated that it was satisfied with Rogers’ proposed plan.  The above noted progress report was filed to verify that, in fact, the steps in Rogers’ proposed plan had been implemented.


The Commission has reviewed all submissions on this file and finds that Rogers has not implemented all of the steps it had undertaken to perform. Specifically, the Commission considers that while improvements have occurred, the steps outlined in the progress report with respect to the training of its Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) in regard to their promotion of Super Channel have yet to take place.  As a result, Rogers is required to submit a further report within 120 days from the date of this letter in order to demonstrate that all requirements in the Decision are fully met.  As part of this report, Rogers is to provide an outline of when and where the training for Rogers’ CSRs by Allarco representatives will take place or has taken place, including specific dates.


Rogers is requested to submit this report to the Commission by 30 September 2010.  Note that this letter will form part of the public record of this process.


Yours sincerely,


[Original signed by John Keogh on behalf of]


Robert A. Morin


Secretary General

cc.Mr. Malcolm Knox

Président et COO

Allarco Entertainment Inc.

Suite 200, 5324 Calgary Trail

Edmonton AB

T6H 4J8

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