ARCHIVED - Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-787-1
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Additional reference: 2010-787
Ottawa, 16 August 2011
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada – Proposed revision to the treatment of imbalance traffic compensation
File number: 8622-B2-201008095
1. The Commission is issuing corrections to Telecom Decision 2010-787.
2. The Commission notes that, as determined in Telecom Decision 2011-499, in Telecom Decision 2010-787 it incorrectly indicated that Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Bell companies) proposed to eliminate compensation payments when the total volume of traffic exchanged is at least 10 million minutes per month and the volume of traffic in one direction is more than 80 percent of the total traffic exchanged between local exchange carriers (LECs) for three months or more. The Bell companies did not propose the three months or more time period.
3. As a result, paragraph 1 of Telecom Decision 2010-787 should read as follows:
The Commission received an application from Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Bell companies), dated 10 May 2010, requesting that the Commission revise the current treatment of imbalance payments associated with the termination of traffic between local exchange carriers (LECs). The Bell companies proposed to eliminate compensation payments when the total volume of traffic exchanged is at least 10 million minutes per month and the volume of traffic in one direction is more than 80 percent of the total traffic exchanged between LECs.
4. Furthermore, paragraph 16 of Telecom Decision 2010-787 should read as follows:
Parties submitted two proposals to modify the compensation regime when there is a high level of traffic imbalance between LECs. The first was the Bell companies’ proposal to eliminate the compensation payments when the total volume of traffic exchanged is at least 10 million minutes per month and the volume of traffic in one direction is more than 80 percent of the total traffic exchanged between LECs. The other proposal, submitted jointly by MNSi, Telnet, and Vianet, was a sliding-scale reduction in the compensation payments where the volume of traffic in one direction is more than 95 percent of the total traffic exchanged between the LECs.
Secretary General
Related documents
- Fibernetics Corporation – Application to review and vary Telecom Decision 2010-787 regarding the treatment of imbalance traffic compensation, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-499, 16 August 2011
- Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada – Proposed revision to the treatment of imbalance traffic compensation, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-787, 25 October 2010
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