ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-690

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Other reference: 2010-690-1

Ottawa, 16 September 2010

Applications processed pursuant to streamlined procedures

In this information bulletin, the Commission sets out lists of applications that did not require a public process and that it processed from 1 May 2010 to 30 June 2010 pursuant to its streamlined procedures. These applications involve transfers of ownership and changes in the effective control of broadcasting undertakings, as well as applications for amendments or extensions of deadlines.

1.      The Commission has streamlined procedures for its consideration of applications that involve transfers of ownership and changes in the effective control of broadcasting undertakings, amendments or extensions of deadlines, and that do not require a public process.[1] Under these procedures, and on a case-by-case basis, the Commission may approve or deny such an application without first having issued a notice of consultation provided that:

a)      its examination of the application reveals no significant policy concern; and

b)      the Commission is convinced that approval or denial would be consistent with its approvals or denials of previous applications.

2.      Where these two conditions are met, the Commission is generally satisfied that a process initiated by a notice of consultation is not required in the public interest and would unnecessarily delay implementation of the transaction contemplated or of other proposals by the applicant.

3.      In the appendices to this information bulletin, the Commission sets out lists of applications that did not require a public process and that it processed from 1 May 2010 to 30 June 2010 pursuant to its streamlined procedures. The list of applications involving transfers of ownership and changes in the effective control of broadcasting undertakings is set out in Appendix 1. The list of applications involving amendments or extensions of deadlines is set out in Appendix 2.

Secretary General

Related Documents

Appendix 1 to Broadcasting Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-690

Ownership applications processed by the Commission by letter of authority from 1 May to 30 June 2010 pursuant to its streamlined procedure



Application number

Description of the transaction

Date of the letter


Canal Évasion inc.


APPROVED – Corporate reorganization involving the insertion of a new corporation, Serdy Media inc. as the parent corporation of Canal Évasion inc. This transaction does not affect the effective control of the broadcasting undertaking which continues to be exercised by Mr. Serge Arsenault.

Canal Évasion inc. is the licensee of a national French-language specialty television programming undertaking known as Canal Évasion.

10 May 2010


Canwest Television Limited Partnership


APPROVED – Corporate reorganization through the insertion of a new legal entity between Canwest Media Inc. and Canwest Television GP Inc., the general partner in Canwest Television Limited Partnership.  This transaction does not affect the control of the broadcasting undertakings as it continues to be exercised by Canwest Global Communications Corp. (Canwest Global).

Canwest Global is the owner of various specialty services and television broadcasting undertakings operated through its subsidiaries.

14 June 2010

Appendix 2 to Broadcasting Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-690

Applications for amendments or extensions of deadlines that did not require a public process and that were processed by the Commission from 1 May to 30 June 2010 pursuant to its streamlined procedure



Application number and date of decision

Decision and description of the application


Bhupinder Bola (OBCI)

21 April 2010*

21 April 2010*

21 April 2010*

*Omitted in Broadcasting Information Bulletin 2010-311

APPROVED – Extension to 27 June 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of the new national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking approved in The Adult Entertainmment Channel (AEC) – Category 2 Specialty Service, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-206, 27 June 2007. This is the final extension to be granted by the Commission.

APPROVED – Extension to 27 June 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of the new national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking approved in The Work Channel (TWC) – Category 2 Specialty Service, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-207, 27 June 2007. This is the final extension to be granted by the Commission.

APPROVED – Extension to 5 July 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of the new national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking approved in The Relationship Channel (TRC) – Category 2 Specialty Service, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-213, 5 July 2007. This is the final extension to be granted by the Commission.


MTS Allstream Inc.

5 May 2010

APPROVED – Change in the authorized contours of the terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertaking serving Winnipeg and surrounding areas to include the community of Selkirk, Manitoba.


Shaw Cablesystems Limited

5 May 2010

APPROVED – Change in the authorized contours of the terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertaking serving Thunder Bay, Ontario, to include an area northeast of Thunder Bay.


Canwest Television GP Inc. (the general partner) and Canwest Media Inc. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Canwest Television Limited Partnership

28 May 2010

APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence of the national English-language Category 2 specialty service known as Action to allow distribution of the service in high definition.


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

1 June 2010

APPROVED – Extension to 29 June 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of the new rebroadcasting transmitter approved in CBBX-FM Sudbury – New transmitter at Timmins , Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-209, 29 June 2007. This is the final extension to be granted by the Commission.


Matthew Gordon McBride (OBCI)

3 June 2010

APPROVED – Extension to 30 May 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of the new English-language commercial radio programming undertaking approved in Licensing of new radio stations to serve the Vancouver radio market, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-117, 30 May 2008.


TEN Broadcasting Inc.

3 June 2010

APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence of the national English-language Category 2 specialty service known as Hustler TV to allow distribution of the service in high definition.


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

8 June 2010

APPROVED – Extension to 9 July 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of the English-language radio programming undertaking approved in CBI Sydney – Conversion to FM band, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-222, 9 July 2007. This is the final extension to be granted by the Commission.


Guy Simard (OBCI)

8 June 2010

APPROVED – Extension to 25 February 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of French-language radio programming undertaking approved in French-language FM radio station in Montmagny and transmitter in Saint-Fabien-de-Panet, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-224, 26 August 2008.


Frank Rogers (OBCI)

16 June 2010

APPROVED – Extension to 1 August 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of the new English-language, low-power commercial radio programming undertaking approved in English-language FM radio station in Beeton-Tottenham, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-160, 1 August 2008.


Canwest Television GP Inc. (the general partner) and Canwest Media Inc. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Canwest Television Limited Partnership

17 June 2010

17 June 2010

APPROVED – Addition of a post-transitional Digital Television transmitter for the English-language conventional television programming undertaking CFRE-TV at Regina, Saskatchewan.

APPROVED – Addition of a post-transitional Digital Television transmitter for the English-language conventional television programming undertaking CISA-TV at Lethbridge, Alberta.


TVA Group Inc.

17 June 2010

APPROVED – Addition of a post-transitional Digital Television transmitter for the French-language conventional television programming undertaking CFTM-TV at Montréal, Quebec.


CKRT-TV ltée.

17 June 2010

APPROVED – Addition of post-transitional Digital Television transmitters for the French-language conventional television programming undertaking CKRT-TV Rivière-du-Loup at Baie-Saint-Paul, Dégelis, Rivière-du-Loup (Portage), Cabano, St-Urbain and Trois-Pistoles, Quebec.


Rogers Broadcasting Limited

17 June 2010

APPROVED – Addition of a post-transitional Digital Television transmitter for the English-language conventional television programming undertaking CHMI-TV at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba.


Canwest Television GP Inc. (the general partner) and Canwest Media Inc. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Canwest Television Limited Partnership

25 June 2010

APPROVED – Addition of a post-transitional Digital Television transmitter for the English-language conventional television programming undertaking CIII-TV-6 at Ottawa, Ontario.


FDR Media Group Inc. (OBCI)

25 June 2010

25 June 2010

APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence of the national third-language ethnic Category 2 specialty service approved in Mehndi HD TV – Category 2 Specialty Service, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2010-270, 13 May 2010 to allow distribution of the service in standard definition.

APPROVED – Amendment to the broadcasting licence of the national third-language ethnic Category 2 specialty programming undertaking approved inBollywood Times HD TV – Category 2 Specialty Service, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2010-268, 13 May 2010 to allow distribution of the service in standard definition.


Canwest Television GP Inc. (the general partner) and Canwest Media Inc. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Canwest Television Limited Partnership

25 June 2010

APPROVED – Addition of a post-transitional Digital Television transmitter for the English-language conventional television programming undertaking CIII-TV-22 at Stevenson/Windsor, Ontario.


Evanov Communications Inc.

25 June 2010

APPROVED – Extension to 21 August 2011 of the time limit to commence the operation of the new English-language commercial radio programming undertaking approved in Licensing of new radio stations to serve Winnipeg, Manitoba, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-195, 21 August 2008.


Canwest Television GP Inc. (the general partner) and Canwest Media Inc. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Canwest Television Limited Partnership

28 June 2010

APPROVED – Addition of a post-transitional Digital Television transmitter for the English-language conventional television programming undertaking CIHF-TV-2 in Saint John, New Brunswick.


TVA Group Inc.

28 June 2010

APPROVED – Addition of a post-transitional Digital Television transmitter for the French-language conventional television programming undertaking CHEM-TV in Trois-Rivières, Quebec.


[1] In regard to the Commission’s streamlined approach for applications involving ownership issues, see Broadcasting Public Notice 2003-50. In regard to the Commission’s streamlined approach for applications involving amendments and extensions of deadlines, see Broadcasting Circular 2006-1.

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