ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-630
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Ottawa, 27 August 2010
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada – Residential Service Connection Charge for additional telephone line
File numbers: Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 266 and Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7202
1. The Commission received applications by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Bell companies), dated 27 May 2009, proposing changes to their respective General Tariff Item 2227 – Home Phone Choice, Item 2231 – Home Phone Lite Package, Item 2232 – Home Phone Basic Package, Item 2233 – Home Phone Choice Package, and Item 2234 – Home Phone Complete Package (the Home Phone services).
2. In their applications, the Bell companies noted that customers who subscribe to the Home Phone services currently only pay one Residential Service Connection Charge when installing a second line at the same time as the initial home phone line. The Bell companies proposed that they be allowed to decide whether to charge one or two Residential Service Connection Charges when a second line is ordered at the same time as the initial home phone line. The Bell companies submitted that this would assist them in meeting their 2009 revenue objectives and would contribute to their other financial objectives.
3. These applications were approved on an interim basis, based on the criteria set out in Telecom Decision 2008-74, on 11 June 2009.
4. The Commission received three comments from the public (the interveners) about the applications. The public record of this proceeding, which closed on 28 June 2010, is available on the Commission's website at under “Public Proceedings” or by using the file numbers provided above.
Commission's analysis and determinations
5. The interveners generally opposed the Bell companies' proposal, submitting that it is not the Commission's role to assist the Bell companies in meeting their financial objectives.
6. The Commission notes that its role involves neither assisting nor hindering the Bell companies in meeting their financial objectives but, rather, ensuring that the companies comply with existing telecommunications regulations.
7. In Telecom Decision 2007-27, the Commission removed the prohibition on further rate de-averaging for residential services, including optional local services, and allowed incumbent local exchange carriers the flexibility to charge individual customers different rates. The Commission considers that allowing the Bell companies to decide whether to apply one or two service connection charges when a second line is ordered at the same time as the Home Phone services is not inconsistent with the Commission's determinations on rate de-averaging in Telecom Decision 2007-27.
8. Accordingly, the Commission approves on a final basis the Bell companies' applications.
Secretary General
Related documents
- Approval mechanisms for retail and CLEC tariffs, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-74, 21 August 2008
- Price cap framework for large incumbent local exchange carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-27, 30 April 2007
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