ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-371

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Ottawa, 10 June 2010

Telecommunications Fees

1.        In New Telecommunications Fees Regulations, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-183, 25 March 2010 (Telecom Decision 2010-183), the Commission announced that the Telecommunications Fees Regulations, 2010 (Fees Regulations) came into force on 1 April 2010.

2.        The Commission notes that the Fees Regulations replaced the Telecommunications Fees Regulations, 1995.

The Commission also notes that, as outlined in paragraph 18 of Telecom Decision 2010-183 and in accordance with the transitional provision set out in the Fees Regulations, for the purposes of the 2010 telecommunications fees invoices to be issued in June 2010

a)        companies that paid telecommunications fees in 2009 (i.e. companies with a tariff) will receive an invoice in 2010 to cover the true-up adjustment, that represents the difference between the estimated costs initially billed and the actual costs incurred, for the Commission's 2009/10 fiscal year; and

b)        companies paying contribution in 2010 will receive an invoice in 2010 to cover the Commission's estimated telecommunications costs for its 2010/11 fiscal year.

4.        Pursuant to subsection 3(4) of the Fees Regulations, the Commission hereby announces in this public notice that the estimated total telecommunications regulatory costs of the Commission for the 2010/11 fiscal year are $25.971 million.

5.        These estimated telecommunications regulatory costs will be recovered from the telecommunications service providers paying contribution in 2010.

The annual adjustment amount referred to in subsection 3(5) of the Fees Regulations is $1.365 million for the 2009/10 fiscal year.  This adjustment is primarily related to increases in salary related expenses (i.e. annual increases and retroactive payments for collective agreements ratified during the year, and for employee benefit plans).

Pursuant to subsection 4 of the Fees Regulations, the annual adjustment amount will be recovered based upon the Telecommunications Fees Regulations, 1995 from companies that paid telecommunications fees in 2009.

8.        The total amount to be recovered by the Commission, taking into account the adjustment in paragraph 6 above, is $27.336 million.

Secretary General

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