ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2010-2-1
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Additional reference: 2010-2
Ottawa, 11 January 2010
Notice of applications received
Various locations
Amendment to item 2 and correction to item 2 in the French version only
Further to its Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2010-2, at the applicant's request, the Commission announces the following:
The following item is amended and the change is in bold:
Item 2
Calgary, Alberta
Application No. 2009-1556-4
Application by Canwest Television GP Inc. (the general partner) and Canwest Media Inc. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Canwest Television Limited Partnership relating to the broadcasting licence for the English-language transitional digital television undertaking CICT-DT Calgary, Alberta.
The licensee proposes to implement the post-transition transmitter CICT-DT, in order to replace the current transitional transmitter for CICT. It will do so by changing its authorized contours by increasing the average effective radiated power (ERP) from 3,200 to 50,000 watts, by modifying the antenna radiation pattern from directional to non-directional, by increasing the effective height of the antenna above average terrain from 51 to 378 meters and by relocating the antenna site.
Secretary General
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