ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2010-146-2

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Additional references: 2010-146, 2010-146-1, 2010-146-3 and 2010-146-4

Ottawa, 12 April 2010

Notice of hearing

12 May 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Addition of document to item 1
The deadline for submission of interventions/comments on the additional document pertaining to item 1 only is 16 April 2010.

[Broadcasting interventions/comments form]

On 10 February 2010, the Commission requested that representatives of CKLN Radio Incorporated provide the audio logger tapes, the program logs and a program schedule relating to the programming (local and network periods, if any) broadcast by CKLN-FM Toronto during the week of 10-16 January 2010, from 6:00 am to midnight. This information was to be filed by no later than 1 March 2010, and it was noted that failure to do so may constitute a failure to comply with Section 9(4) of the Radio Regulations, 1986 (the Regulations).

In Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2010-146, the Commission indicated that this material had been received and would be analyzed. The Commission has completed the analysis of the material provided. Commission staff notified the licensee of the results of this analysis by letter dated 9 April 2010. This letter stated that it appears to Commission staff that the licensee may have failed to comply with section 8 of the Regulations, which pertains to logs and records.

This letter has been added to the public record of this proceeding. Interveners will have until 16 April 2010 to provide additional comments on this letter only. The licensee will have until 22 April 2010 to provide reply comments.

Secretary General

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